
Sign the Anti-Poverty Charter!

We are pleased to share with you the Anti-Poverty Charter developed by our partners at the 'Life on the Breadline' research programme. Please read, share and sign!

The launch of the Anti-Poverty Charter at the end of project conference. Credit: Katie Chappell

What is the Anti-Poverty Charter?

A reflective action-oriented resource intended to help churches to tackle poverty and inequality in your neighbourhood and across the UK in a way that makes sense where you are.

How was the Charter made?

Developed through Life on the Breadline’s three years of research and conversations with national and regional Church leaders, local Christians and people experiencing life on a low-income.

Why have an Anti-Poverty Charter?

To help local churches and individual Christians to understand the unequal impact of austerity, the causes of poverty, support people in immediate need and challenge structural injustice.

This blog was originally posted on the Life on the Breadline website.

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