
Reset The Debt – email your MP now

Since the beginning of lockdown, an estimated six million people in the UK have fallen behind on one or more household bills, with poorest households hit the hardest.

This is an urgent problem that demands a solutionThat’s why Church Action on Poverty has teamed up with the Joint Public Issues Team to ask the Chancellor to create a Jubilee Fund, to pay off and cancel unavoidable Covid debt for households in the UK. 


You can help. Write to your MP today, and ask them to write to the Chancellor.

We need to:

  • Raise these concerns about Covid-19 household debt and its impact on the poorest families.
  • Find out how the government intends to address this urgent problem.

We need to make sure everyone has a stable platform from which to face the future. Add your voice to call on the UK Government to #ResetTheDebt. 

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues