
Planning a Lent programme for your church in 2021?

'Life-Changing Stories' is Church Action on Poverty's new series of Bible studies, to be published on 8 October 2020.

‘Life-Changing Stories’ includes five Bible studies on the book of Acts. They offer challenging new perspectives on this story of people on the margins who were empowered to go out and change the world.

It is an ideal resource for churches or house groups running Lent programmes in 2021. It can also be used for personal study and reflection.

It is the third publication in Church Action on Poverty’s ‘Scripture from the Margins’ series. As with previous instalments, these studies respond to the way that the Bible shows us a God who is on the side of the poor and the oppressed. People on the margins.

Commenting on a previous publication in the series, Revd Richard Lamey,  Rector of St Paul at Wokingham, said:

“An excellent course – accessible, opinionated, challenging, affirming and easy to lead and to build on… So many courses are dull and simplistic – yours opened up new vistas. There was never a sense of being forced into a right answer or finding an easy solution. It was a complex course for complex times and a complex faith.”

‘Life-Changing Stories’ features studies by five different authors, bringing a range of perspectives and expertise:

  • Jan Sutch Pickard, well known as a poet, storyteller and liturgist for the Iona Community
  • Revd Nick Jowett, author of Wisdom’s Children
  • Sue Richardson, Theological Education Adviser for Christian Aid
  • Ruth Wilde, National Coordinator of Inclusive Church
  • Revd Dr Raj Patta, an expert in Dalit liberation theology

Life-Changing Stories will be available for free from Church Action on Poverty’s website on 8 October. 

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