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Read our report – hear people's experiences of food vulnerability during the pandemic

Five overarching lessons from this project

  1. Hear directly from those who know.
  2. Food security is a fundamental right.
  3. We need to redesign welfare so it offers sufficient support at all times.
  4. Crisis response must be comprehensive without compromising on dignity or choice. 
  5. We must strike a balance between the roles of individual households, communities, and the state. 

Watch the video to hear some of the stories featured in the report. And click the cover below to download the report and find out more.

“I’m hoping that enough voices are heard, and enough of us come together to be able to start making some actual change, where we’re not relying on the third sector, and we’re not relying on people sending somebody a box of food via the post, and somebody having to be grateful for some fruit that’s about to go off. I’m hopeful that we can do something about it. Because we can. We can do something about it. But we have to be heard, don’t we?”


The project is part of wider research mapping and monitoring responses to risks of food insecurity during the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK – led by Dr Hannah Lambie-Mumford (University of Sheffield) and Dr Rachel Loopstra (King’s College London) in collaboration with Church Action on Poverty and Sustain. The research is funded by the ESRC through the UKRI Covid-19 research and innovation fund.

Click here to email the project team.

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