
Lent course for 2022: Life on the Breadline

Our partners at the 'Life on the Breadline' research programme have launched a Lent course for 2022.

The Life on the Breadline Lent course is now available to read, download, and share – ready for Lent 2022 or for use at other times of the year, for example in church home groups.

This Lent course has been developed from the three years of Life on the Breadline research as a result of engaging with Church leaders, Christians, and community groups across the UK.

The course has six sessions which can be followed individually or in a group. Each session follows the same format which is planned to take an hour – combining prayer, a short video, a Bible passage, guided reflections, discussion questions, and take-away actions:

  1. Christian responses to poverty
  2. ‘Love thy neighbour’ – poverty and inequality
  3. Race, ethnicity, austerity and faith
  4. Deficits and assets
  5. Housing (in)justice
  6. Poverty and structural inequality

Please do share the course with others in your churches and communities, and on social media with #BreadlineResearch

This blog first appeared on the ‘Life on the Breadline’ website.

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