How we ensure struggles are not ignored
Telling your own story for a good purpose is like having a superpower, says Ellis.

Every month, our Dignity, Agency, Power series tells of inspiring people and groups who are tackling poverty in the UK.
Some stories are of people taking action right now, and others look at great pieces of work in the recent past. All of them, we hope, might bring renewed hope, ideas and confidence for all of us in the movement to end UK poverty.
The stories run alongside the photos in the 2022 Dignity, Agency, Power photo calendar.
Our March story feature Ellis Howard, who spoke to us last year about his work to ensure people’s struggles are not only heard, but also drawn on to help improve the future.
If you missed it then, here’s what Ellis had to say:
My name is Ellis Howard. I am a Scouse actor-writer. With Church Action on Poverty, I ran a series of workshops all about how we can use our lived experiences and transform them to activism; how we can own our stories of struggle, of food shortages, to empower us and to help shape future policy and future lives.
Transforming lived experience into activism
My name is Ellis Howard. I am a Scouse actor-writer. With Church Action on Poverty, I ran a series of workshops all about how we can use our lived experiences and transform them to activism; how we can own our stories of struggle, of food shortages, to empower us and to help shape future policy and future lives.
Celebrating unheard stories
For so long these stories, these experiences, these lives have been completely undocumented. They haven’t been celebrated in a glorious nuanced way.
Harness your superpower
Get in touch with all of those things that make you unique, and absolutely harness them, because that’s where your superpower lies.

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power
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