

Self-Reliant Group facilitator, Laura Walton, shares the joy of Easter

All around us there is acute pain and suffering. Collectively around the world there has never been a worse time than this in our histories and a better time to hear the good news that is Easter Sunday. Today at sunrise we join with millions of people, to celebrate the moment where the divine nature of Jesus is revealed in its most powerful way yet. Death had no power over the son of God. What happened after the events of Good Friday were exactly as Jesus had said. He would die on the cross but 3 days later he would come alive again. Mary Magdalene was the first to see her risen saviour in person, face to face. She was told to go and tell the others and she did.
Later when the other disciples had heard the news and then in fact seen Jesus, truly alive, they were told to go and tell the good news. Everything Jesus had taught them and told them about our loving heavenly Father could now be believed wholeheartedly, because they had seen the proof in the man who walked amongst them with wounds in his hands and feet. And they went with courage now, not cowering, to tell the world.
Thank God they were courageous and bold or we might never have heard and our Easter joy would be filled with rabbits and eggs instead of faith fueled hope that our God is in control and nothing can separate us from his love, his protection and his mighty hand over our todays, tomorrows and our days to come.
From the book of Romans chapter 8, verses 38 and 39:
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries for tomorrow -not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
HAPPY EASTER to you all, may you know God’s love and let it dwell richly in you, giving you freedom from the fears and anxieties that have hung over our daily lives for so long now.

Find out more about Self-Reliant Groups: http://www.church-poverty.org.uk/srg 

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