
Dozens join e-choir for rendition of a Disney classic

Community choirs in Sheffield have come together online beautifully.

All of us have been seeking ways to stay connected during the coronavirus outbreak, and to sustain community through these rocky waters.

Today, we’re delighted to share a wonderful piece of community singing, produced by some of our partners and friends in Sheffield.

Community choir coordinator Yo Tozer-Loft worked with an editor and four local choirs, to produce a beautiful community rendition of A Whole New World, from Disney’s Aladdin.

The choirs involved were the Dore & Totley Intergenerational Singing Teapot Choir; the St Mary’s Family Choir;  the Meersbrook URC Community Choir; and the Gleadless Valley Food Glorious Food Choir and Friends.

Yo had previously worked with us last year, when the last of those choirs helped lead our End Hunger UK work and performed at Sheffield Cathedral.

She said: “Early in lockdown, we were making things up as we went along and trying to master the technology. Making a video became a good focus for our Zoom singing and a way of making something collective happen in this time. Some people were really feeling lost and unproductive. 

“There were 35 singers and me. An accompanist made a backing track and we had five sessions learning the parts on Zoom, then shared it all via WhatsApp and our editor (John Swain) put it together.

“I am really delighted with it; I know the work the singers put in. For some it was a really big thing to see themselves featuring solo on camera. It really cheered people up and gave people a lift.

“We had planned to go into a Disney phase with the choirs anyway, and that was one of the songs. A Whole New World suddenly seemed very apt and it was quite serendipitous that it was completed just as new life tentatively set foot with the major unlocking last weekend.”

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