
Church for the Poor?

Report from a national survey carried out jointly by Church Action on Poverty and Word on the Streets

Dignity, Choice, Hope

SPARK newsletter winter 2021

Untitled – a poem from ‘Same Boat?’

Reporting Poverty

Download our guide, developed jointly with people with experience of poverty, the National Union of Journalists, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, On Road Media and ATD Fourth World.

Church of the Poor?

A call to action for churches in the UK - how can we build what Pope Francis has called "a poor church that is for the poor"?

This is the report that launched our Church on the Margins programme.

Dignity, Choice, Hope

SPARK newsletter winter 2021

Untitled – a poem from ‘Same Boat?’

Preventing Poverty Beyond Death

Our research into the rising cost of funerals, its impact on people on low incomes, and how churches can help to tackle the problem.

Dignity, Choice, Hope

SPARK newsletter winter 2021

Untitled – a poem from ‘Same Boat?’

Time to Rethink Benefit Sanctions

A report calling for a review of the harmful regime of benefit sanctions. Published jointly by Church Action on Poverty with several UK Churches.

Dignity, Choice, Hope

SPARK newsletter winter 2021

Untitled – a poem from ‘Same Boat?’

Five Years of Pilgrimages against Poverty

A reflection on the first five years of our Sheffield group's annual Pilgrimage events.

Dignity, Choice, Hope

SPARK newsletter winter 2021

Untitled – a poem from ‘Same Boat?’

Food, Fuel, Finance

This report presents findings from ‘Closing the Gap in Scotland’, a project with Scottish partners to explore solutions to the unjust ‘Poverty Premium’.

Dignity, Choice, Hope

SPARK newsletter winter 2021

Untitled – a poem from ‘Same Boat?’

Good Society

An exploration of different people, places and projects across the UK, and the values and faith they share.

The report from research carried out jointly by Church Action on Poverty and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

Dignity, Choice, Hope

SPARK newsletter winter 2021

Untitled – a poem from ‘Same Boat?’