Lack of respect
Lack of respect is….
Authority figures
Financial exile
Abuse of power
Lack of respect is….
Disrespectful GP not looking at me, looking at the screen.
People demanding things their way, with control and power
Not having issues you raise taken seriously
Criminal justice system – corruption
Lack of respect is….
Misguided Christianity
Traditional churches’ judgement – ‘you are a sinner’
‘You will go to hell’
Lack of respect is….
Not made welcome in a meeting
Wording in forms
Being asked inappropriate questions or intrusive questions
No one ultimately taking responsibility for giving a proper answer.
Being laughed at
Being hated as a woman
My experience of racism from an early age.
Lack of respect is….
Lack of manners
Not asking
Done to you not with or for you
The class system
When standing up and trying to make change – facing resistance
Lack of respect is….
When children aren’t treated with dignity and respect it kills you as a parent. No nine-year-old should have to get her sister breakfast because I’m too ill with stress as a result of the situation.
No safety net for those in poverty;
Being tret like a number.
Being told employment will be terminated at one week’s notice by your new boss. This is the work experience of so many.
The amount of times I’ve been told it was my fault.
You fall and you fall hard.
A vision of dignity for all
Dignity for all is…
More listening than speaking and being present
Safe to share stories, seek help and make mistakes
People don’t have to be perfect
People know that they are working for each other
We need one another
Dignity for all is…
Knowing and acknowledging our vulnerabilities
Where everyone moves towards the fullness of life.
Where everyone experiences acceptance and fulfilment
Where everyone’s potential is recognised and valued for the common good .. for all
Dignity for all is…
Universal basic income
Decent housing, fair rent
Acceptance of diversity
No judgement
Dignity for all is…
Everyone can live rather than just survive
Everyone is treated fairly and equally, has differences valued
Everyone can contribute to and benefit from community
Given the opportunity to play a part
Dignity for all is…
Self-worth and a sense of purpose
People who are chronically ill have their contribution recognised
Being seen for who you are, how it affects me as an individual, not a number.
Challenging our understanding of who is powerful
Dignity for all is…
Learning from the wisdom of previous generation and the insights of scripture.
Life experience is valued, not just education
Living with friction, it’s not necessarily lacking in conflict.
A willingness to learn and to let go of our own visions
A willingness to acknowledge, to have self-awareness, give and create space.
Everyone has a say, respects each other, has enough
Dignity for all is…
Glory to God in the High Street
Dignity for all is…
Agency is…
Agency is…
Pushing the envelope
Imagination of possibilities
Opening and broadening opportunities
Opening a space for agency to take place
Degrees of…
Agency is… Hosting a Ukranian family
Agency is… Peace building
Agency is… Retiring 18 months ago
Agency is… Making a difference on the helpline that I work on and deciding not to retire
Agency is… Leaving a job that doesn’t care
In my personal life I’ve always had agency: have never had a problem doing what I felt I needed to
Some people struggle to obtain agency for themselves
When you are poor you can’t afford to take risks and taking risks involves stepping outside your own understanding
Difficulty ending an abusive relationship
Mislead and betrayed
Crossing thresholds is quite hard
No one likes being told what to do
Agency is… Being able to see physical signs of something good happening
Agency is… what I do for Christians Against Poverty; in sharing my story to the media; in being tough with them where necessary
Agency is… Sharing my story with the Big Issue, in wanting to give something back, to keep my voice as loud as I can.
Agency is… If I can just change one person’s life through what I say, I will have made the difference I need to make.
A child was murdered in our area and we started a listening project; everybody baked and ate cake, laughed, knitted, sewed because it was too awful outside
Agency is… In providing loving non-judgemental help with money, debt, life skills
Volunteering, work, uni, family – I could choose, I’m going to do what I like, going to choose something I enjoy, fulfilling my need and their need
Agency is…
Just starting something from scratch
Realising you have options you never thought about
Taking risks and when it is safe – going to church took me 10 years to join
Being able to listen to others who need to be heard
Working out what you want and not just waiting to be told
Agency is…
Just starting something from scratch
Through community
Different churches working together, social improvements
Not trying to be the Messiah/Knight in shining armour
Sometimes you ‘happen to be’ in the right place at the right time
Agency is…
Working out what the real priorities are
Working out what would make life better and asking for it
Using knowledge and experience for positive change
Agency is…
Trust in the Lord and go for it.
When we come together
When we come together we are able to…
Challenge authority
Challenge injustice
Challenge power structures
Create a space for dialogue, where everyone’s voice is heard
Make real changes for the benefit of all
Gain understanding and clarity
Pool resources to make a difference
Some people are big names, others are more effective
Get people to listen who wouldn’t listen to us alone
Do God’s work: Where two or more come together…
When we come together we are able to…
Make a difference
Lift a heavy burden
Achieve our goals
Have a knock-on effect
Challenge a culture of greed
Change politics and policies
Change the political system
Stop the traffic
Stop wearing out the planet
Finish a jigsaw
We can change the world… even if it takes a lifetime – and longer
It takes many people’s lifetimes
In a world of hi-tech we can make change quicker
Mobilise the power of social media to mobilise different people
Ensure the little person is not overlooked
Realise we’re not alone
When we come together we are able to…
Build our own strengths, in order to help others
Practice trust, then encourage others
Listen without judgement
Learn something we didn’t know
Change our minds
Comfort one another
Celebrate one another
Encourage one another
Believe in each other
Realise we’re loud!
Say enough is enough