
Sweet charity

Read or watch the 2019 David Goodbourn Lecture, delivered at the Centre for Theology and Justice by Revd Professor Michael Taylor in April 2019.

Michael spoke on the theme ‘Sweet Charity’, discussing charity in relation to justice and, when it comes to Christian charities including churches, the primary importance of what might be called the ‘kingdom frontier’ where Christians engage with others in fashioning a new social order. He highlights a very real disconnect between theology and justice, faith and action.

He had some encouraging things to say about Church Action on Poverty’s vision and work:
Church Action on Poverty takes a far more welcome approach in relation to how it handles its faith, how it works with people and how it looks for more radical change signalled by its determination to end hunger in this country and loosen the grip of poverty. Supposing you do so however, by fixing the benefit system or so-called `Universal Credit`, Church Action on Poverty will be well aware that you still leave questions about adequate economic and social reform hanging in the air.
You can watch the lecture below, or click here to download the text.

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Journey into Activism – new book from a Church Action on Poverty campaigner

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Niall Cooper's headshot, alongside the Yorkshire Post and Let's End Poverty logos.

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A faith that does justice

Why is it so important to put our faith into action? Hear some thoughts from our worship and theology collective.

In May, our ‘collective’ – a group of theologians and writers who help Church Action on Poverty produce materials for churches – gathered in Salford.

We spent a fruitful and inspiring 24 hours reflecting on the faith and values that drive our work, and planning some exciting new materials for our supporters to use.

We asked two members of the collective to share their thoughts on the connection between faith and justice. (The video features Marie Pattison, Director of Katherine House retreat centre in Salford, and Revd Chris Howson, chaplain of Sunderland University.)

Act On Poverty – a Lent programme about tackling UK and global poverty

How 11 people spoke truth to power in Sussex

Obituary: Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ

Annual review 2022-23

Act On Poverty – a Lent programme about tackling UK and global poverty

How 11 people spoke truth to power in Sussex

Obituary: Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ

Christian responses to poverty: community not charity

Life on the Breadline_communityAt the start of November 2018, Church Action on Poverty and our partners at ‘Life on the Breadline’ held a National Poverty Consultation in Manchester, drawing together many people in the churches who are involved in tackling poverty and injustice. At an opening panel on ‘Church of the Poor’, campaigner Stef Benstead shared these thoughts on Christian responses to poverty.
Read more “Christian responses to poverty: community not charity”