
150 new Pantries to open: All your questions answered…

Your Local Pantry could be coming to a neighbourhood near you. Read on...

Your Local Pantry and Co-op have teamed up to treble the Pantry network within three years.

Today, there are 75 Pantries around the UK. That figure will rise to 225.

This Q&A aims to answer any questions you may have…

A blue bunting flag with the Coop and Your Local Pantry logos

1) What are Your Local Pantries?

Your Local Pantries are places that soften the blow of high living costs and bring people together around food.

Pantries strengthen communities, foster friendships, loosen the grip of poverty and contribute to healthier, happier lives.

Everyone should have ready access to good food, and everyone values community. Pantries are a win-win solution.

Each Pantry has a defined geographic area, and local residents can become members. Members pay a small amount each week, and in return, they choose at least ten items of food or other groceries, worth many times more.

Pantries are laid out like shops, and members choose their own items from a wide selection, including fresh, refrigerated, frozen and long-life foods. 

Each Pantry is run by a local organisation. Pantry hosts include community groups, charities, churches and local councils.

2) What makes Your Local Pantries special?

Several things – but here are three…

Firstly, the local membership model is really conducive to new relationships and friendships. Seeing people week after week, getting to know one another and discussing local issues with each other generates real power, camaraderie and togetherness.

As a result, many Pantries become springboards for new ideas that further strengthen communities.

Secondly, the element of choice is really important. It can be very hard to feel dignified and positive if you are receiving a pre-packed parcel that someone else has chosen.

We all have things we do or don’t like in our shopping, and are all accustomed to being able to make those choices. The Pantry approach recognises how important that is.

Thirdly, Pantries are positive, upbeat, happy places – the friendships that form, the ongoing financial boost, and the chance to be part of a forward-looking group all help to propel communities onwards.

3) How much do members save?

A Your Local Pantry member who attends every week can save in the region of £1,000 a year on their groceries.

Each Pantry sets its own weekly contribution amount, and not all members attend every week, so precise savings vary.

InterACT Pantry in Leeds: a green shipping container, with three people outside

4) How big is the network now?

At the time of writing, in late 2022, we have 75 Pantries, supporting about 80,000 people. 

5) Where are Pantries at the moment?

There are Pantries in all four nations of the UK. 

There are particular clusters in Edinburgh, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, the West Midlands and South Wales.

6) Where will the new Pantries be?

That’s down to you! We are in discussions with lots of potential new partners, including in North East England, the west of Scotland, and Yorkshire. 

But we are ready to support openings anywhere in the UK!

We don’t unilaterally decide where to open a Pantry. Each Pantry is hosted and run by a local organisation, so the starting point is for an organisation to approach us.

Inside Your Local Pantry in Peckham.

7) I'm interested in opening a Pantry. What should I do?

If you are an individual, the best starting point is for you to talk to a local organisation who you think would be a good Pantry host. They need to be based in the community, with the physical space to host a Pantry.

Once you’ve done that, or if you are already part of a local organisation, let us know – we’d love to chat!

8) Where does the food come from?

A lot of the stock at Pantries comes via diversions in the national food supply chain, such as surpluses from producers or big retailers. The national charity Fareshare redirects those back into Pantries and other community-focused initiatives. Pantries also work with smaller local suppliers and producers, and can also use the money collected from memberships to buy additional stock when needed.

9) What do Pantry members say about it?

Good question! See for yourself! This video, and others on the playlist, include lots of first-hand messages from Pantry members around the country. 

You can also take a look at our 2021 social impact report, which includes lots of comments from members.

Members tell us they have joined for a wide variety of reasons…. Many say they enjoy being part of a community and meeting new people, some have environmental motives and are glad to be helping to reduce the risk of food being wasted, others primarily cherish the financial boost, freeing up money for other essentials. 

A blue bunting flag with the Coop and Your Local Pantry logos
A blue bunting flag with the Coop and Your Local Pantry logos

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

SPARK newsletter winter 2022-23

Kenny Fields revisited: new hope, amid the tough times

The Pilgrimage on the Margins

Dignity, Agency, Power and human worth

Pilgrimage on the Margins in Sheffield

150 new Pantries to open: All your questions answered…

Food, friends & a future: SRGs are a recipe for success

Church Action on Poverty and Co-op team up to open 150 new Your Local Pantries

#ChallengePoverty Week Book Launch

Sheffield’s Poor Need their own Commission and Bigger Slice of the Pie

Speaking Truth to Power in Pantries

Catholic Social Teaching and human dignity

How to unlock poverty for families like Carlie’s

A new partnership to support communities

Church Action on Poverty has entered a major new partnership with Co-op which will help improve household finances, whilst bringing people together around food.

The news follows new research from Co-op which reveals a third (33%) of those impacted by the rising cost of living are turning to food charities more often.

The partnership will see the Your Local Pantry network supported by Church Action on Poverty triple within three years from 75 to 225 pantries across the UK, with the addition of 150 new pantries, creating almost 650,000 visits by July 2025.

These Pantries will support over 30,000 Your Local Pantry members who will save on average £15 per shop, with members often saving £1,000 or more a year or more on shopping bills. Overall, the new locations will help to save Your Local Pantry members up and down the UK an estimated £5 million when fully operational.

Rebecca Birkbeck, Director of Community & Membership at Co-op, said:

“Everybody should have access to good food, this innovative new partnership with Your Local Pantry complements our existing initiatives to provide dignified long-term solutions to food insecurity and the cost of living.

“Pantries are all about dignity, choice and hope. Each one operates as a member-led neighbourhood hub, often serving as a springboard to other community initiatives, opportunities and ideas.

“Things are tough for many of us at the moment and we are proud that pantries will be there to support people and their local communities in dealing with the challenges that are thrown at them, it feels like a real step in the right direction to make the world that little bit fairer.”

James Henderson, Your Local Pantry Network Development Coordinator, added: 

“Pantries have enabled tens of thousands of people around the UK to strengthen their community and loosen the grip of high prices. Pantries reduce isolation, foster community and friendships, improve health and pre-empt poverty, and this exciting new partnership with Co-op will enable thousands more people to join and enjoy Pantries.”

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

Feeding Britain & YLP: Raising dignity, hope & choice with households

Parkas, walking boots, and action for change: Sheffield’s urban poverty pilgrimage

Dreamers Who Do: North East event for Church Action on Poverty Sunday 2024

Autumn Statement: Stef & Church Action on Poverty’s response

Act On Poverty – a Lent programme about tackling UK and global poverty

How 11 people spoke truth to power in Sussex

Letter to the Prime Minister: more cost of living support is urgently needed

On 21 September 2022, Church Action on Poverty and over 50 other faith, charity and organisational leaders signed an open letter to the Prime Minister, calling for direct support for the poorest households in response to rising living costs.

As faith groups, charities, trade unions and front-line organisations we have seen the cost of living emergency escalating not only in the statistics but in the lives of people we meet day to day, in foodbanks, debt centres and in our places of worship. The least well off in our communities are facing the sharpest end of this crisis, and without substantial support will be dragged into destitution.

It is the urgent, moral responsibility of the Prime Minister to ensure that people on the lowest incomes have enough to live in the months ahead. Spiralling costs are affecting everyone, but for those who were already fighting to keep their heads above water this winter’s challenges will be a matter of life and death.

The Energy Price Guarantee announced on 8th September, whilst welcome, hasn’t gone far enough. Analysis published today by Prof Donald Hirsch indicates that the average family of four receiving Universal Credit will still need an additional £1,391 over the next six months to stay warm and fed. Low-income households need targeted financial support which takes into account family size and need, is distributed quickly and in amounts large enough to enable families to live decently this winter and beyond.

Increases in poverty and destitution because of this crisis are not inevitable, if government, business and civil society recognise that this is an emergency and act now. We believe that concerted action can turn the tide on poverty, see us through this winter and put us on the path to a poverty-free Britain. The government has the tools to deliver this at their disposal, and they must use them now.

Signed by:

Rabbi Robyn Ashworth-Steed, Chair, Tzelem: The Rabbinic and Cantorial Call for Social and Economic Justice in the UK

Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Chief Executive Officer, Liberal Judaism

Revd Fiona Bennett, Moderator of General Assembly, United Reformed Church

Rabbi Rebecca Birk, Co-Chair, Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors

Anna Bland, Team Leader, Leeds Sanctuary

Anthony Boateng, Vice-President of the Conference, The Methodist Church in Britain

Dr Nicola Brady, General Secretary, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Rabbi Janet Burden, Rabbi Emerita, Ealing Liberal Synagogue

Heidi Chow, Executive Director, Debt Justice

Niall Cooper, Director, Church Action on Poverty

Kevin Courtney and Dr Mary Bousted, Joint General Secretaries, National Education Union

Sister Colette Cronin, Leader, Institute of Our Lady of Mercy

Colin Date, Acting Chair, Christian Concern for One World

Sister Lynda Dearlove rsm, CEO, women@thewell

Claire Donovan, Head of Research, Policy & Campaigns, End Furniture Poverty

Bishop Terry Drainey, Chair and Bishop, Catholic Social Action Network & R.C. Diocese of Middlesbrough

Alison Garnham, Chief Executive, Child Poverty Action Group

Ben Gilchrist, Chief Executive, Caritas Shrewsbury

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein, Senior Rabbi, The Ark Synagogue

Rev James Green, Executive Director, Together Liverpool

Revd. Lynn Green, General Secretary, Baptist Union of Great Britain

Mia Hasenson-Gross, Director, René Cassin

Revd Ruth Harvey, Leader, The Iona Community

Joseph Howes, CEO, Buttle UK

Imran Hussain, Director of Policy & Campaigns, Action for Children

Rabbi Richard Jacobi, Minister to the congregation, East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue

Rabbi Neil Janes, Rabbi, South Bucks Jewish Community (constituent of Liberal Judaism)

The Most Reverend Andrew John, Archbishop of Wales, The Church in Wales

Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber, Minister, Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue

Mr. Rajnish Kashyap MCICM, General Secretary, Hindu Council UK

Peter Kelly, Director, Poverty Alliance

Paul Kissack, Chief Executive, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Rabbi Monique Mayer, Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation

Gareth McNab, Head of External Affairs, Christians Against Poverty

Paul McNamee, Editor, The Big Issue

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, Senior Rabbi, The Ark Synagogue

Zara Mohammed, Secretary-General, Muslim Council of Britain

Patrick O’Dowd, Director, Caritas Diocese of Salford

Helen O’Shea, National President of St Vincent de Paul Society

Emma Revie, CEO, The Trussell Trust

Father Dominic Robinson SJ, Chair, Archdiocese of Westminster Justice and Peace

Revd Paul Rochester, General Secretary, Free Churches Group

Revd. Ian Rutherford, Chair, Greater Manchester Food Security Action Network and City Centre Minister, Methodist Central Hall Manchester.

Adam Scorer, Chief Executive, National Energy Action

Mr Paul Southgate, Chair of Trustees, The National Justice and Peace Network

Most Reverend Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness, and Primus, Scottish Episcopal Church

Anna Taylor, Executive Director, The Food Foundation

The Revd. Graham Thompson, President of the Methodist Conference, The Methodist Church of Britain

The Reverend James Tout, Chaplain to the Archbishop of Wales, The Church in Wales

Fr Adrian Tuckwell, Caritas Hexham and Newcastle

Jo Wittams, Co-Executive Director, The Equality Trust

Enough to get through the winter: new analysis by Prof Donald Hirsch

New analysis (21 September 2022) by Prof Donald Hirsch updates his earlier report (7 August) to calculate the gap between rising living costs and the support provided by government to low-income households in England.

It calculates that a family of four receiving Universal Credit will still be £1391 behind what they need to stay warm and fed, despite government support.


Speak out for dignity for all

Challenge Poverty Week this year (17–23 October) is focused on how we can ensure dignity for all in the face of the cost of living crisis.

Take part and help make voices heard.

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

Feeding Britain & YLP: Raising dignity, hope & choice with households

Parkas, walking boots, and action for change: Sheffield’s urban poverty pilgrimage

Dreamers Who Do: North East event for Church Action on Poverty Sunday 2024

Autumn Statement: Stef & Church Action on Poverty’s response

Act On Poverty – a Lent programme about tackling UK and global poverty

How 11 people spoke truth to power in Sussex

Church Action on Poverty 40th Anniversary Pilgrimage and Conference in Sheffield

The growing cost of living crisis and poverty in Sheffield will be put under the spotlight when Church Action on Poverty's local group stages a Pilgrimage and conference in the city on Saturday 22 October.

Pilgrimage: meet at 9:30am at Sheffield Canal Basin (Victoria Quay).
Conference: 12:45-16:00, Pitsmoor Methodist Church, 131 Burngreave Road S3 9DG.

The event marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the national ecumenical Christian social justice charity committed to tackling poverty. It is open to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of how poverty is affecting people in Sheffield and how various organisations are endeavouring to reduce its impact.

The Pilgrimage will cover a course of just over two miles to Burngreave, visiting several locations, including:

  • The Emmaus Charity Superstore, which provides a home, support and work for men and women who have suffered homelessness.
  • The Rock Christian Centre, one of the Sheffield bases of Christians Against Poverty, the charity which provides free, professional advice for people struggling with debt, and the Burngreave Food Bank.

Pilgrims will then have the option of joining local religious leaders, politicians and people on the frontline of dealing with poverty for a conference on The Cost of Living and Poverty in Sheffield, and a buffet lunch will be provided.

Speakers at the conference will include:

  • Liam Purcell of Church Action on Poverty.
  • Ruth Moore, Director of St Wilfrid’s Centre for the homeless, vulnerable and socially excluded.
  • Nick Waterfield, of the Parson Cross Initiative which aims to create community and provide support and sanctuary for people living in Parson Cross, Southey, Longley and Foxhill.
  • Sylvia Ward, chief executive of Citizen’s Advice Sheffield.

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

Sign up

Cost of living crisis: is compassion enough?

The 2022 Annual General Meeting of our local group in North East England

Thursday 20 October
(Registration & refreshments from 5pm)

St Joseph’s Centre, High West Street, Gateshead NE8 1LX (opposite Gateshead Metro Interchange)

Voices of experience from:

  • Gateshead Poverty Truth Commission
  • North of Tyne Poverty Truth Commission

Keynote speaker: Anna Rowlands (author of Towards a Politics of Communion:
Catholic Social Teaching in Dark Times)

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Monica: Why I keep standing up and speaking up

Each year, the Dignity, Agency, Power calendar tells stories of people who bring those values to life. This page features Monica Gregory.

Monica Gregory

Monica works with homeless people in Oxford in a range of roles, and has been involved in speaking up about social injustices for the past few years.

She was part of the national Food Power programme, took part in a Food Experiences panel in 2020 and 2021 to understand food insecurity in the context of covid, and is now part of the Speaking Truth To Power programme, supported by Church Action on Poverty. 

Monica also now runs a safe space for women in Oxford, and a lived experience forum for people who have been homeless.

Monica walking beside the river in Oxford

Monica: We're not here to tick boxes

Monica says the work in recent years has helped her to find the confidence to speak up about poverty in Oxford, which is often hidden, and about the broken systems that cause or increase poverty.

“Poverty is getting really bad now, with the cost of living going up, so my job is getting harder and harder because more and more people are becoming homeless as a lot of people cannot afford to pay the rent.

“The new lived experience forum is for people to have their say about services for people who are homeless, and for people who feel they have sometimes just been used so other people can tick boxes. Not everyone’s poverty is the same, not everyone’s trauma is the same, but people are too often put in the same box.

Things need to change - and I will speak up

“A lot of things need to change. What I would like to see change at the moment is Universal Credit. I don’t know how they can make people wait five weeks to get the first payment, when they have nothing to live on. I have six clients now waiting five weeks for Universal Credit to start, and they’re struggling to pay rent and to put food on the table, and they’ve had to start using food banks. They now feel embarrassed, so the system needs to change. People do not always realise how much poverty there is.

“I started working with Church Action on Poverty through our local food alliance, and now I know I will speak up about things. A lot of people are scared to speak up but I’m not scared to, and I fight for what is right.”

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

Are we set for a landmark legal change on inequality?

SPARK newsletter winter 2023-24

Let’s say what we truly want society to look like – Let’s End Poverty

Charity and church leaders call for urgent action on rising poverty in the UK and around the world

New Year’s Honour for inspiring campaigner Penny

We & 55 others say: bridge the gap

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has joined with 56 faith groups, charities and politicians to call on the Government to take urgent action to bridge the cost of living gap faced by the lowest income families.

Church Action on Poverty is among the organisations backing the call.

Report highlights size of the gap

The move comes in response to a report, ‘Is cost of living support enough?’ written by poverty expert and Loughborough University Professor
Donald Hirsch.

It reveals the gap between the support the Government is currently offering to
households and the anticipated rise in living costs.

The report concludes that the current flat-rate
payments offered by the government will fall at least £1,600 short of making up for recent changes to living costs and benefits faced by a couple with two children.

We call for an emergency budget and urgent action

Niall Cooper, director of Church Action on Poverty, says: “If the Government doesn’t take further action to support low-income families, we face one of the most challenging winters in living memory, where the number of people in
poverty in the UK could hit record highs.

“Many of the community-based partners we work with, who support people in or at risk of poverty, are already stretched to the limit. People need much more support, of the type and scale that only Government can coordinate. 

“We need solutions that are not flat-rate or one-off, but which recognise the different needs of families and households on low-incomes, such as uprating benefits in line with inflation, to
ensure that households receive the correct increase according to their needs.

“Addressing this emergency must be the first priority of the new Prime Minister, and we call for an emergency budget to enable decisive and compassionate solutions to be brought forward.”

Who has backed the call?

The report by Professor Hirsch has been endorsed by:

  • Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown
  • 22 charities
  • 24 faith leaders, including Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Jewish leaders
  • 8 political leaders, including seven regional mayors and First Minister of Wales Mark


The report was widely covered by the UK media on Sunday and Monday, and one of our partners Wayne Green, from Shoreham, was among the people leading the calls for action.

He told Sky News that poor people were being disenfranchised from society, and that systems and structures were not working properly.

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

Obituary: Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ

Annual review 2022-23

Ashleigh: “I think we will become known for making a change”

North East churches & community gather to tackle poverty together

There’s huge public desire to end poverty – will politicians now act?

What is Let’s End Poverty – and how can you get involved?

Our partner APLE is looking for new trustees

Stop press! A big step towards better media reporting of poverty

The ongoing work to improve the way poverty is reported in the UK media is ready to take a big step forward – and you can help.

An Early Day Motion has been tabled in Parliament, condemning the use of derogatory language which can lead to negative stigmatising.

Aerial view of Houses of Parliament

This is a really positive progression for the Reporting Poverty work that we and others have been involved in in recent years. 

It immediately puts this issue directly before MPs for them to consider directly, it highlights the concerns and reservations of people in poverty, and it calls for a united cross-party response.

To maximise the impact of this, we need your help. Please ask your MP to read and sign Early Day Motion 284.

It has been tabled by Ian Byrne MP, and reads:

That this House recognises the importance of journalism in reporting poverty in the UK; condemns any use of derogatory language which can lead to negative stigmatising; notes that this issue is of ever-increasing importance as the working class face a cost of living crisis and the Government’s Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System plan; further notes that the public increasingly reject the toxicity of discourse and debate in the UK; believes that a common, cross-party commitment to challenging discriminatory language will send a powerful, positive message at a time when it is needed; and calls for collaboration with trade unions and anti-poverty organisations, including the NUJ, BAFWU, and the Right to Food campaign, to challenge discourse and to promote awareness and the rejection of negative media messages about people experiencing poverty.

Why does this matter?

This matters because every one of us is influenced by the stories we hear, and affected by the language around us. Our views on any issue are affected by how stories are presented – by what we are told and shown, and by what is left out. So when complex social issues are misreported, or reported in an aggressive manner, it can really skew the public’s understanding.

For too long, the dominant stories told in the UK about poverty were deeply skewed and misleading. Stigmatising language was used to denigrate people, and to excuse unjust systems and policies.

That made a great many of us uncomfortable, and that’s why for the past six years, many of us have been working together to look at the way poverty is reported in the media, to challenge hostile language.

Church Action on Poverty, the National Union of Journalists, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, ATD Fourth World, people in poverty with experience of media interviews, and journalists already leading by example have all worked together on this, producing media guidelines for journalists.

The EDM is a next step, to further raise awareness of the issue and to encourage people in power to be aware of the effect hostile language can have. 

Progress has been made - but this is a crucial time

Rachel Broady, who has led the work at the NUJ, says:

“At the NUJ delegates’ meeting last year, it was agreed that we would try to get an EDM tabled, so I started looking into it. Ian Byrne has been supportive of Fans Supporting Foodbanks and the Right to Food campaign, so I sent him the guidelines that we had all worked on and he thought it was a really good campaign and said he was happy to table the EDM.

“It has to be a cross-party approach, as it’s something that everyone can get behind.

“It would be really helpful if Church Action on Poverty supporters and others can ask their own MP to sign the motion, and explain why it’s important to them as a constituent. We would really like a debate to take place in the House about the reporting of poverty.

“In a lot of ways, the language and reporting has improved in the past few years. The real rise in stigmatising language came about from 2010, to support policies being introduced at the time.

“There has not been the same extent of hostile language in recent years, and issues like the pandemic and the cost of living crisis mean more people have an idea now of how it feels to be in poverty and unable to afford essentials. But the new Fighting Fraud in the Welfare System programme means there is a real risk of that derogatory language coming back, so this is an important time to put the EDM on the table.”

What you can do:

Please contact your own MP and ask them to sign Early Day Motion 284, and tell them why this issue matters to you. If you receive a reply, and are happy to share it, please email us. You can find your MP and their contact details here, and the Early Day Motion is on the link below.

More on our Reporting Poverty work

Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

An introduction to Self-Reliant Groups for Churches

How the Pope’s words 10 years ago challenge & changed us

Budget 2023: Speaking Truth To Power reaction

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Journey into Activism – new book from a Church Action on Poverty campaigner

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News release: Poor communities hit hardest by church closures, study finds

We need to dig deeper in our response to poverty

Gemma: What I want to change, speaking truth to power

#ChallengePoverty Week Book Launch

Heaton Moor United Church and Heald Green URC church-led event featured the book “Dignity, Agency, Power!"

The book “Dignity, Agency, Power!” is a collaboration between Church Action on Poverty and Wild Goose Publications.

Dignity Agency Power

At Heaton Moor on 19th October, the evening began with a meal cooked in a bag! This is a fabulous way of cooking, using residual heat and good insulation, will be especially useful now heat prices are increasing.

There was inspirational poetry from Rahela Kahn, one of the book’s contributors, and an entertaining rendition of the parable of Max and Dan, a story about the use of power based on Jesus’ saying to “walk another mile”.

People at Book Launch

Visitors from a local charity SMASH (School meals every holiday) told us about the amazing work they did too.


The following week, Heald Green URC church also shared readings from the book, including video presentations from people with experience of living in poverty. The group present decided to write to their MP about pre-payment energy metres. The people who buy their fuel this way are often the poorest, end up paying more for their energy, and are the last to get discounts and rebates.


People at Book Launch

This was followed by a writing workshop in which participants created their own thoughtful pieces based on the #ChallengePoverty week theme of Living not just existing; dignity for all.


People at Book Launch

Some of the pieces produced are also included in this

Thank you to Heaton Moor United Church and Heald Green URC church for giving us pause for thought about how we should #ChallengePoverty and work for dignity to all. 

Article written by Liz Delafield


Be part of a movement that’s reclaiming dignity, agency and power

Feeding Britain & YLP: Raising dignity, hope & choice with households

Parkas, walking boots, and action for change: Sheffield’s urban poverty pilgrimage

Dreamers Who Do: North East event for Church Action on Poverty Sunday 2024

Autumn Statement: Stef & Church Action on Poverty’s response

Act On Poverty – a Lent programme about tackling UK and global poverty

How 11 people spoke truth to power in Sussex