
Church Action on Poverty’s approach to Coronavirus

Latest update: 19 March 2020

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted by the current COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak. Church Action on Poverty is approaching this with the utmost priority and taking a number of steps internally to minimise risks, whilst keeping our trustees and key stakeholders informed.

We regularly hold meetings and training, as well as specialist and public events externally with a range of partners and members of the public. The health and safety of all those who attend our events – and the vulnerable people who they may go on to have contact with – are of primary concern and priority. We continue to monitor the evolving situation closely, guided by information from the UK government, Public Health England and NHS.

Following the government’s advice that people should avoid non-essential contact and unnecessary travel, we will not be holding face-to-face events until this advice changes. If you signed up for one of our events, you will receive an email confirming that it is no longer taking place.

Wherever possible, we will  ensure that any planned meetings, trainings and events that cannot go ahead will be rescheduled or go ahead using the best alternative option, including digital technology (e.g. via phone, Zoom, Skype or a webinars).

Meanwhile, we are taking extra measures to minimise risks to the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and beneficiaries.

  • We are proactively monitoring the UK government and Public Health England advice, ensuring we are able to respond to changing advice swiftly and decisively.
  • We are reviewing our event planning to ensure our events reflect the most current guidance on infection prevention and control measures.
  • We are asking staff, volunteers and beneficiaries not to attend events or meetings and – where recommended – to consider social distancing or self-isolation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We will update this statement as and when official guidance changes, and as further good ideas come forward that can help with sensible risk minimisation.


How to unlock poverty for families like Carlie’s

3 ways church leaders can truly transform poverty discussions

SPARK newsletter autumn 2022

A new partnership to support communities

Letter to the Prime Minister: more cost of living support is urgently needed

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

Speaking Truth to Power in Gateshead

Our North East local group report on their event for Church Action on Poverty Sunday 2020.

The North East event for Church Action on Poverty Sunday, 23 February 2020, took place in St Peter’s RC Church in Gateshead. It drew together 270 people, representing local churches and communities along with charities such as the Bensham Food Coop, Joe’s Place and Oasis Community Housing.  Ian Mearns, MP for Gateshead, and members of Gateshead Council attended.

The theme ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ was addressed from the start. Revd Hugh Sperring from the Wesley Memorial Methodist Church inspired the gathering with the prayer that God would bless us with “enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in the world” and “do what others claim cannot be done”.  Pat Devlin from the North East group explained the aims and activities of Church Action on Poverty, and Lucy Zwolinska from the Gateshead Poverty Truth Commission spoke about the work of the Commission and shared through video some real-life stories. Hannah Davison from St Peter’s Church concluded this first part of the programme by reading the poem ‘Refugees’ by Brian Bilston which cleverly invited us to turn our thoughts upside down and think about things differently!

A range of speakers from the local area highlighted the real crisis of poverty that is all around us and, by using their authentic voices, called those listening to action. Two local initiatives were shared by those engaged in running them: Joe’s Place is a drop-in community café  for homeless people and for those who are struggling in a variety of ways, and the Bensham Food Coop provides food, support and friendship for people seeking sanctuary, refugees and local people living in poverty.  In each case someone with experience of poverty shared their story and the truth of their situation. Oasis Community Housing shared the reality of homelessness in Gateshead and how they are helping the situation. They have recently been able to open a 24-hour facility for those living on the streets.

A short liturgy led by young people gave a much needed opportunity to reflect and to bring the light of God’s power into our situation so that all of us might raise our voices to ‘speak truth’.  The final part of the afternoon was to invite those who represented ‘power’ and ‘influence’ to make a response to what they had heard: Ian Mearns MP, Ian Stevenson from Gateshead Council and Fr Adrian Tuckwell, Vicar for Caritas and representing Bishop Robert Byrne of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

It was very appropriate that the event took place in Gateshead as the launch of Gateshead Poverty Truth Commission was planned for 5 March.  Church Action on Poverty North East had hosted a meeting focusing on poverty in Gateshead over a year earlier, and this had turned out to be a huge catalyst in the formation of an Outreach Group in two Gateshead churches: Corpus Christi and St Peter’s. The group was delighted to host this year’s Church Action on Poverty Sunday, seeing it as an opportunity to raise awareness and to establish connections in order to bring people together to work for change. 

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When people-power won the day against loan sharks

Wayne’s story: Why I (and you) must refuse to be invisible

Dignity, Agency, Power – new anthology launched today

How music is once more bringing people together in Sheffield

Church at the Edge: Young, woke and Christian

“When do we riot?” The impact of the cost of living crisis

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

Speaking Truth to Power: North East event for Church Action on Poverty Sunday 2020

Speaking Truth to Power is the theme for this year's Church Action on Poverty Sunday on 23 February.

As Gateshead are leading the way with the launch of their Poverty Truth Commission on 5 March, Church Action on Poverty North East’s event will take place at:

St Peter’s Church, Low Fell
Sunday 23 February

This will be an opportunity to hear more about the Gateshead Poverty Truth Commission, as well as the first-hand experience of other local initiatives like Bensham Food Cooperative and Joe’s Place.

It will also be a chance to catch up on Church Action on Poverty news and the latest campaign action.

We hope you will be able to join us, and ask you to promote the event as widely as possible. 

When people-power won the day against loan sharks

Wayne’s story: Why I (and you) must refuse to be invisible

Dignity, Agency, Power – new anthology launched today

How music is once more bringing people together in Sheffield

Church at the Edge: Young, woke and Christian

“When do we riot?” The impact of the cost of living crisis

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

Life on the Breadline: PhD opportunity

Our partners at the 'Life on the Breadline' project are looking for PhD candidates to take part in their research. Details below.

Theology, poverty and the common good in ‘breadline Britain’: An analysis of Christian activism since the 2008 financial crash
Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

Start date: September 2020

Wanted – exceptional doctoral candidates to undertake trailblazing, transformative research alongside outstanding early-career researchers.

Coventry University (CU) is inviting applications from suitably-qualified graduates for a fully-funded PhD studentship.

This doctoral (PhD) project has been devised and developed by a leading early-career researcher at Coventry University. The Trailblazer Scheme provides doctoral researchers with an innovative and dynamic intellectual space in which to undertake transformative research, whilst fully supported by a team of experienced supervisors.

Details of the PhD project

Following the 2008 financial crash inequality grew faster in the UK than in any other G7 nation. As the state has withdrawn during the ‘age of austerity’ Christian churches and NGOs have become key players in the struggle to defeat structural poverty. Whilst Christian engagement with food poverty, low pay, housing justice, child poverty and personal debt has been widely studied within the social sciences, there have been no empirically-based theological analyses of such anti-poverty activism until now. This Doctoral research project breaks new ground in political theology. Rooting theological analysis in detailed, multi-site primary research and benefiting from collaboration with experienced researchers from the ESRC-funded ‘Life on the Breadline’ project, the successful candidate will analyse the nature, scope and impact of Christian responses to UK poverty and the theological values that underpin such activism. This multidisciplinary Doctoral research will address issues that are of current academic and political importance. It will develop a theological analysis of faith-based activism that will generate impact within political theology and the social sciences and will generate new insights that will resource the practice of anti-poverty activists across the UK.


The successful candidate will receive comprehensive research training including technical, personal and professional skills.

All researchers at Coventry University (from PhD to Professor) are part of the Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability and Development, which provides support with high-quality training and career development activities.

The successful candidate will also benefit from participation in the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations’ Doctoral Training Course, involvement in the Centre’s Faith and Peaceful Relations research group and involvement in Centre research seminars. The successful candidate will benefit from mentoring by and collaboration alongside experienced ‘Life on the Breadline’ social researchers and political theologians, including Dr Chris Shannahan, Professor Paul Weller and Dr Stephanie Denning.

Candidate specification

  • A minimum of a 2:1 first degree in a relevant discipline/subject area with a minimum 60% mark in the project element or equivalent with a minimum 60% overall module average.
  • A Masters’ degree in a relevant subject, or equivalent professional experience would be desirable PLUS the potential to engage in innovative research and to complete the PhD within 3.5 years
  • a minimum of English language proficiency (IELTS overall minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each component)

Click here for further details

Additional items for candidate specification

  1. An understanding of key themes within political theology
  2. A familiarity with faith-based anti-poverty activism
  3. An interest in the use of qualitative social research methods
  4. A willingness to undertake fieldwork alongside faith-based organisations
  5. A commitment to collaborative study
  6. A commitment to applied research that impacts on grassroots practitioners

How to apply

To find out more about the project please contact Dr Chris Shannahan.

All applications require full supporting documentation, a covering letter, plus a 2000-word supporting statement showing how the applicant’s expertise and interests are relevant to the project.

Funding notes

English-resident UK and EU students, or EU students moving to England for a PhD, who are not in receipt of Research Council funding or other direct government funding can apply to borrow up to £25,000 to help cover the cost of their PhD tuition fees. 
Click here for more details.

  • Tax-free stipend per annum, paid at UKRI rates
  • Tuition fees (UK/EU/International)
  • CTPSR Research development allowance of £1,000 per annum

Reflecting together, 14 May: Power and powerlessness

New wine, new wineskins part 1: Journeying into a new world

New wine, new wineskins: introduction

Gathering on the Margins – 12 May

Church on the Margins: resilience

Are we in the same boat? Some creative responses

Shopping online? You can raise money to loosen the grip of poverty

Listen up! New podcast to help end poverty

Church on the Margins in the time of coronavirus

Solidarity and sacrifice

The prophetic imagination

Where are the margins?

Who is my neighbour?

Gathering on the Margins – 5 May

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

Reflecting on the first two years of Food Power

Sustain, our partners in Food Power, share their learning from the year 2 independent evaluation of the programme.

Food Power supports food poverty alliances around the country to develop a sustainable response to food poverty and its root causes. Our independent evaluators from Cardiff University have now conducted their second annual evaluation of the programme. We are grateful to the team and all the alliances and individuals who fed into the evaluation.

We’re pleased that the year 2 evaluation continues to identify many positive findings, as well as some helpful reflections for us. The evaluation team presented us with four key questions to consider as we deliver the programme and we provide our responses below.

  • What do alliances aim to achieve by involving experts by experience?
  • What should reasonably be expected of them? 
  • What can they expect in return? 
  • How can Food Power showcase to other programmes and initiatives on how to empower experts by experience?
Food Power conference 2019

We will publish guidance for alliances and others working with experts by experience in the New Year. This will cover a wide range of aspects of involving people with lived experience of food poverty. We will work with Barbora Alderova who has just begun a PhD at Cardiff University. Her research will be on Food Power and the role of people with lived experience of food insecurity, specifically who gets involved, how and what happens (or not) next.


How can Food Power best support alliances working with particular but overlapping challenges?

We have published our briefing on challenges faced by rural areas and the response in different rural areas. We will continue to work with alliances based in rural areas and gather learning from our shared experiences. We continue to be mindful of the interactions between food insecurity and characteristics such as disability, gender, ethnicity and age and will continue to encourage alliances to consider how they can respond to the needs of particular groups.

What are alliances achieving and delivering that would not otherwise be happening? Are alliances able to articulate the difference they have made on the ground? How does this come together to make a difference nationally?

We continue to support eight alliances to develop tools for assessing their impact. The eight alliances will come together in early 2020 to assess progress and help us finalise what we can share more widely with the network and beyond. We aim to publish materials in the first half of 2020 and will actively promote these resources. As we deliver the second half of the programme we will continue to share learning from the network and feed this into national policy discussions.


What role can/should Food Power play in supporting alliances to work in an ever-more challenging contexts, in which demand for local services continues to outstrip capacity and resources? If there is no prospect of this easing this, what type of national programme will be most valuable in future?

Our local evaluation tools mentioned above should help alliances to identify progress, even where the best case is ‘standing still’ given the ongoing pressures on household and public sector budgets. In terms of future activities beyond the lifetime of the current programme, we are currently thinking through the questions we need to bring to the network in order to think through future plans. We are committed to involving the network as we think through any future plans.    

Sharing learning and experiences is a fundamental part of Food Power and evaluation and reflection is a core part of this. Please do contact Simon Shaw at Sustain if you have any thoughts on the programme to date and/or our future activities.

Be in my Bubble

Gathering on the Margins – 16 June

Gathering on the Margins – 9 June

Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield Update, June 2020

Viral Song

New wine, new wineskins: theological reflection on ‘building back better’

Gathering on the Margins – 2 June

Reflecting together, 28 May: Whom are we serving in our services?

You can’t eat the view

Reflecting together, 21 May: inhabiting the public realm in the midst of lockdown

Book review: Bread of Life in Broken Britain

Staying connected: 3 stories from Sheffield

Gathering on the Margins – 26 May

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

Speaking Truth to Power: reflections from our North East gathering

Father Chris Hughes shares some thoughts from our gathering in Newcastle on 9 November 2019.

Church Action on Poverty is nationally facilitating a number of regional gatherings engaging with local groups to explore issues related to poverty with a particular focus on ‘Speaking Truth to Power’.

On 9 November, St Nicholas’s Anglican Cathedral was the venue for the regional gathering for the North East of England, hosted by Church Action on Poverty North East.

Niall Cooper, the Director of Church Action on Poverty nationally, introduced the theme of the day ‘Speaking Truth to Power’. He noted that ‘truth’ does not seem to be held in much esteem at the moment. Niall then facilitated a ‘fireside chat’ with three women living and working in disadvantaged communities in Tyneside [including Heather and Cath], who in different ways have attempted to speak truth to power. It was evident that one reason truth needs to speak to power is that many of our law-makers have no idea what it could be like to be living on zero-hours contracts or welfare payments. The word ‘ignorance’ came up a great deal in the discussion.


Three workshops then followed. Niall Cooper showed (but with little sound) a short film made with support from Church Action on Poverty called Edgelands. It portrays the life of young people in Lancashire, where there is little adult support as they seek to deal with caring for sick parents, little money, homelessness and drug culture. The film was very much in the style of Ken Loach, revealing the stark reality of so many young people on these ‘edgelands’.

Revd Tracey Hume, a Methodist Deacon from Blaydon, Gateshead, talked about the Gateshead Poverty Truth Commission, which is bringing together those in authority and power with those experiencing poverty, so that it is the experiences and reality of those in poverty which will inform policy.

Rev Chris Howson, the Anglican Chaplain at Sunderland University, led a reflection on Matthew’s Gospel parable of the talents. He gave an ‘alternative reading’ of the parable arguing that the hero of the parable is the man who buries his talent since he is the one speaking truth to power.

The final input of the event was led by Debbie Honeywood, who plays Abbie in the new Ken Loach film Sorry We Missed You. After showing the trailer, Debbie talked about the issues in the film and how she prepared for the role. She worked in a care home for four weeks and discovered what life was like for carers as they sought to balance their holding up of a creaking social care system while still seeking to be mothers to their own children even if it is on a phone. Debbie spoke very powerfully on how people portrayed in the film are in isolated vulnerable situations. Communities of support have disappeared.


In the ensuing discussion, Debbie responded to a criticism of many of Loach’s films and especially in I, Daniel Blake, that one is left with no sense of hope. Debbie’s response was to say that it was the family, the one place where people are not isolated, that was the source of hope. This point is made very clear in the film when policeman makes it clear to the son that in having a family that cares he has an advantage that sadly many do not have.

As I left the event, I reflected on the ‘them’ that have power. It is ‘big business’ and ‘big government’. I wondered on how we can build relationship with those in power so that people in run-down communities in Tyneside can speak truth to power. It also struck me that although ‘big business’  is not democratically accountable, ‘big government’ is supposed to be. We are at the start of an election campaign, so I do wonder if in a very limited extent, those who have power is not simply ‘them’ but in a restricted way it is ‘us’. When politicians want our vote, we have more power over them than once they are elected for up to five years. So perhaps at this stage of an election where the next one may not be till autumn 2024, speaking truth to power, could also involve the opportunity, or perhaps an obligation, we have to ask our politicians to make commitments on the issues that matter to us. I appreciate that people may be sceptical on promises made, but at least with promises on particular issues politicians will be accountable to the electorate for the commitments made. It would be regrettable if this opportunity to speak truth to power while those who seek power need our vote is wasted. So I am left wondering what commitments do I want those who want my vote to make. I sense the possibility of speaking truth to power will only increase if we all ask that question.

This article first appeared on the Independent Catholic News website.

There are more gatherings coming up, in Bristol, London and Birmingham – then in Glasgow and Cardiff in the new year. Click here to find out more and book a place!

Be in my Bubble

Gathering on the Margins – 16 June

Gathering on the Margins – 9 June

Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield Update, June 2020

Viral Song

New wine, new wineskins: theological reflection on ‘building back better’

Gathering on the Margins – 2 June

Reflecting together, 28 May: Whom are we serving in our services?

You can’t eat the view

Reflecting together, 21 May: inhabiting the public realm in the midst of lockdown

Book review: Bread of Life in Broken Britain

Staying connected: 3 stories from Sheffield

Gathering on the Margins – 26 May

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

What does it mean to be a church on the margins?

We came up with a number of different answers to this question when a group of us gathered together in Sheffield on a sunny and rainy day in May, in a church that’s on a bit of a border itself: it’s on a boundary between two parts of the city that are subtly yet significantly different in terms of the life chances of those who live there.

We were meeting as part of a reflection day for a new ecumenical network of people who are working in churches ‘on the margins’ in South Yorkshire, set up by Church Action on Poverty. We are people who want to challenge injustice, build solidarity between the church and people marginalised by society, and recognise the spirit at work all over our community!


So what does it mean to be a church on the margins? Maybe it means pushing back against institutional pressure to shut down buildings that have dwindling populations in poorer areas. Maybe it’s the thin places. Maybe church on the margins is just, well, church? My favourite suggestion was that we stop thinking about the margins and start talking about church on the fringe. Fringe festivals are exciting, edgy; experiments happens, and we take risks on people we don’t know anything about. Shouldn’t church be a bit like that?

Reflecting together

Our day together was a chance to reflect on our own discipleship and explore our vision for our own churches and communities. I’ll tell you what we got up to, in case it’s helpful for your church.

After introducing ourselves – sharing our name and our pronoun and a little about our communities – we kicked off by looking at different images of Jesus, and picking out one that spoke to us. We had loads of them; here are three. What reaction do you have to them?


We then did what’s known as a ‘living’ Bible study, looking at the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy, written about in the Gospel of Mark. We read the story a few times out loud, and then everyone was given a role and had to imagine they were Jesus, the person with leprosy, one of the onlookers, one of Jesus’ disciples, or one of the religious leaders.

In the story, the crowd drew back when they heard the leper’s bell ringing in case they were defiled by coming into contact with him, but Jesus had been sent by God to proclaim good news to the poor and destitute. The disciples and everyone else witness something outrageous, when Jesus transforms both the man’s disease, and his banishment from society. Before that, he’d been seen as unclean physically and religiously, because he is excluded from the worshipping community. 

We started to ask who we exclude from our worshipping communities. Who do we not want to touch? 

Next we shared stories we’d thought about in advance, of where we’ve seen the Spirit at work in what might be called the ‘margins’ of our society. Geoff talked about the man who comes to a group he’s part of and how he says it’s the only place he’s not viewed only as an addict, but something more than that. Alex talked about how they got drawn back to church when they came across one that was campaigning on behalf of a gay person seeking sanctuary. We heard lots of exciting things.
(We are not using people’s real names.)

Over a hearty lunch, Lisa showed us the art project she’d run with a local church, and the beautiful drawings she’d co-created with people in the community that got them interested in church, and coming to the coffee mornings.

In the afternoon, we shared some quiet time. Some people sat and drew, or wrote. Some people went for a walk in the rain. We were thinking about various questions, like:

  • Who likes going to your church? Why do they like it?
  • Who don’t you see in your church usually? How well does your church community reflect the geographical community it’s in?
  • What do you think it would be like if you were to visit your church for the first time: if you were Deaf; if you were a newly-arrived person seeking sanctuary, with English as an additional language; if you used a wheelchair; if you were a trans woman; if you used a food bank run from that church (choosing one that didn’t apply to us).

After sharing our responses, we closed a day of meeting old and new friends with a blessing (thanks to jesuitresource.org):

May the God who created a world of diversity and vibrancy 
Go with us as we embrace life in all its fullness 

May the Son who teaches us to care for strangers and foreigners 
Go with us as we try to be good neighbours in our communities 

May the Spirit who breaks down our barriers and celebrates community 
Go with us as we find the courage to create a place of welcome for all


We gave people some useful resources to take away and mull over, like…

I hope they’ll be useful to you, too.

I hope we can work together as a group in the future. I think we need time together to fuel up for our work living church in this way. Watch this space.

​Hannah Brock Womack is working to support our ‘community of praxis’ in Sheffield.

Photos: Sarah Purcell

Richest spend more on restaurants than poorest do on housing and energy bills

Whom shall I send?

Church of the poor: on the cusp of the absurd

Poetry and poverty 4: ‘Theresa may…’

Poetry and poverty 3:’Fear’

Five links for Friday

Poetry and poverty 2: ‘Poverty needs’

Poetry and poverty 1: ‘Poverty is many things’

Campaign success: hundreds of people escape unfair energy charges

Birmingham Christian groups unite for #EndHungerUK

A Church Action on Poverty hymn

Church for the Poor?

Reporting Poverty

Church of the Poor?

Preventing Poverty Beyond Death

Life in All its Fullness

Restoring Faith in the Safety Net

Time to Rethink Benefit Sanctions

Five Years of Pilgrimages against Poverty

Food, Fuel, Finance

Good Society

Below the Breadline

Let Us Switch!

Stopping the Payday Loan Rip-off

Drowning in Debt

Walking the Breadline

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022


Watch this powerful short film online.

Creatively amplifying the voices of our young people, telling their truth and stories in their language…

In the Edgelands, a land of forgotten estates, the film demonstrates the grim reality of issues surrounding food poverty, homelessness, and welfare. Edgelands contextualises these topics and uses them as a backdrop to put forward a message of resilience as one of the many creative ways the #DarwengetsHangry campaign is working to loosen the grip of poverty. 

It was made by the young people involved in the ‘Darwen Gets Hangry’ campaign, who have had Church Action on Poverty’s support for a couple of years now.  We were pleased to be able to provide a small grant through our ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ programme, which helped them to work with a young local film-maker and produce this powerful piece.

Please note that the film includes strong language from the start, and addresses issues including drug use and sexual exploitation.

Please share the film online, and help us make sure many people see it.

We’ve produced a set of cards you can use to prompt discussion of the issues raised by Edgelands. Click the link below to download a set of cards – or email us if you’d like to order a printed set.

How to unlock poverty for families like Carlie’s

3 ways church leaders can truly transform poverty discussions

SPARK newsletter autumn 2022

A new partnership to support communities

Letter to the Prime Minister: more cost of living support is urgently needed

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

Communities unite to say: Act now to end UK hunger

People around the country came together in support of the End Hunger UK campaign, calling for immediate action from the country’s leaders.

In dozens of towns and cities, groups of supporters and campaigners unveiled signs reading ‘Act Now To End UK Hunger’ as part of a national week of action, and we held a fantastic event in Sheffield Cathedral.

Photographs were shared from landmarks including The Angel of the North, Caerphilly Castle, Everton Park in Liverpool and King’s Cross station, as well as at schools, colleges, market squares and offices.

The End Hunger UK campaign is a growing movement of people and organisations, including Church Action on Poverty, that have come together to challenge the underlying causes of food poverty and hunger in the UK.

We know countless compassionate community groups all over the UK are doing amazing work to relieve hunger day to day, but it is vital that we protect people from being swept into crisis in the first place, so that one day we no longer need food banks and other such projects. Nobody should have to go to bed hungry. Everyone should have access to good food.

The week of action was an intensification of our shared efforts.

At local level, hundreds of people took part, displaying the signs, raising the issue with their local media, or holding special events such as an invisible banquet in Oxford.
At the national level, we and other members of the campaign wrote to all party leaders in the House of Commons, asking them to set out their plans for ending food insecurity by 2030, and asking them to meet with us to identify solutions

The focal point of the week came on World Food Day, October 16, when the Food Glorious Food choir performed at Sheffield Cathedral.

The choir is made up of members and volunteers from the Gleadless Valley Food Bank in Sheffield, who had been brought together by local choir leader Yo Tozer-Loft.

Their repertoire included Something Inside So Strong, A Million Dreams, their own song based on Yorkshire foods, and a rewrite of A Little Help From My Friends with lyrics based on the singers’ own stories of using the food bank.

Choir members also spoke to The Daily Mirror and BBC Sheffield, leading to powerful coverage. Jamie, one of the choir members, spoke to both media outlets and took part in a panel discussion in the Cathedral. “Although the food bank helps with the immediate problem, it’s not a long term solution.”

The event also include poetry readings by Matt Sowerby live, and via video by Aaron R from the United States.

Speaking before the event, Niall Cooper, chair of End Hunger UK, said:

“We all want to live in a country where everyone has access to good food and no one needs to go to bed hungry, but we need action to make that a reality. The UK Government and all parties need to commit to drawing up a clear roadmap to end food poverty, and must act now to end hunger.

“The UK has no shortage of food. The problem is one of incomes – too many working and non-working households are being hamstrung by insufficient wages and a benefits system that does not cover people’s essential costs.

“Charitable emergency food provision has proliferated in the UK in the past decade and large numbers of people have been forced to turn to food aid providers. In the sixth wealthiest nation on the planet, this is simply not right.

“Politicians must listen to the experiences and insights of people who have been caught in a rising tide of poverty and debt, and the national target must be to halve household food insecurity by 2025, as a step to ending it by 2030.”

Why not read more from the choir members and watch their performance in the cathedral? You can find links to the videos at the End Hunger UK website or on the Church Action on Poverty YouTube channel.

Universal Credit – a poem

Nobody saw it coming – a poem

Signs – a poem

Pinkie promise – a poem

Poet in digital residence

Media for lockdown – what to read, listen to and watch

Voice: a poem

Gathering on the Margins – 21 April

Our new urgency to be kind can stand us in good stead

SPARK newsletter summer 2020 – online edition

Why we aren’t ‘all in this together’

Reflections on living in lockdown: isolation

Gathering on the Margins – 14 April

Reflections on living in lockdown: sustainability

The churches’ role in responding to Coronavirus (part 3)

Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022

Second Class Citizens – powerful new book about disability and austerity

Stef Benstead, a trustee of Church Action on Poverty, has written a book which has been described as a "definitive account of the austerity decade".

This review of Stef’s book first appeared on the Disability News Service website:

The government is continuing to breach disabled people’s rights despite repeated exposure by the United Nations, according to a new book that provides a “definitive” account of the harm caused by a decade of cuts and reforms.

In Second Class Citizens, disabled researcher Stef Benstead looks at the conclusions of various UN investigations that have examined the UK’s provision for disabled people and how it has changed and have concluded that the government has been “gravely breaching disabled people’s rights”.

In contrast, says Benstead, the UK government “remains confident that it is a world leader in disability rights, and that in recent years it has improved its provision through better targeting of resources and more support to help disabled people get and stay in work”.

Her book, published by the Centre for Welfare Reform, includes a series of examples describing how government cuts and reforms have impacted on individual disabled people.

It has been described as “essential reading” by the disabled crossbench peer Baroness [Jane] Campbell.

Professor Peter Beresford, co-chair of Shaping Our Lives, said it provided “the definitive verdict on government welfare reform, the UK’s shame”. He said: 

“It’s a policy against the evidence, against human rights and most of all against disabled people. Here the truth gap is filled with the real voices of disabled people.”

Niall Cooper, director of Church Action on Poverty, described the book as “a benchmark study of the treatment of disabled people under austerity”. He said:

“It is illuminated by numerous powerful personal stories illustrating the human impact of austerity, and a devastating critique of the shift from a positive vision of social security to today’s welfare system based on a culture of blame and the myth of dependency.”

Benstead has previously worked with the Spartacus online network, which produced a string of influential research reports on cuts to disabled people’s support between 2012 and 2017, and the thinktank Ekklesia.

She is currently working with the user-led Chronic Illness Inclusion Project and Church Action on Poverty.

Her book presents evidence on the impact of policy changes that have affected disabled people since 2010.

But she also looks at the history of how disabled people have been treated by society and the state, and examines the development of the welfare state and post-war campaigns for a more inclusive society, and the Thatcherite policies of the 1980s and the “gradual erosion of the welfare state”.

Benstead describes how politicians began to frame benefit recipients as “scroungers and frauds and the benefit system as a costly mistake”, before extending this argument to recipients of out-of-work sickness and disability benefits.

She then begins to examine the impact of the austerity policies introduced by successive Tory-led governments from 2010, including cuts to social care and employment and support allowance, growing claims by ministers that work should be seen as a health outcome, and substantial increases in the use of conditionality and benefit sanctions imposed on sick and disabled people.

Benstead also examines the introduction of Universal Credit, which she says is “a mess, deliberately designed to fail to cope with reality” and has left people “trapped in unsuitable homes without enough money to cover their rent, the support they need or their food and bills”.

Her book – which includes many personal stories that illustrate the dehumanising impact of austerity – concludes that sick and disabled people are being failed by the government, which is “failing both to provide the opportunity to work for those who can, and an adequate alternative income for those who can’t work”.

Since 2010, says Benstead, governments have “caused substantial harm to sick and disabled people’s health, living standards and social inclusion”.

She says they have done so “without any moral or economic justification”, failing to uphold one of governments’ “most fundamental reasons to exist: to ensure and improve the access to basic rights of its most vulnerable citizens”.

She adds: “Sick and disabled people in the UK today are treated as second-class citizens, and until this situation is rectified the UK Government will continue to be violating international law by its ongoing breach of disabled people’s rights.”

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Fair fares in the North East, thanks to students!

Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings

Mary: tackling poverty via radio, art and a newfound resolve

A group of walkers depart from Iona Abbey on the 1999 Pilgrimage Against Poverty.

Poems from the Iona Community 2022