
6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Our Neighbourhood Voices conversations have yielded some fascinating ideas and insights.

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

The UK needs to get serious about ending poverty. And to do that, we need to have meaningful conversations including a wide range of voices.

We should always strive to listen to a wide range of perspectives, but a General Election always brings that need into sharper focus.

In 2024, grassroots organisations supporting the Let’s End Poverty campaign have been hosting Neighbourhood Voices conversations.

We’ve heard about poverty, racism, health crises, dwindling opportunities for young people, food insecurity, hard-to-reach politicians, the failing benefit system, social services and much more. We’ve also heard incredible stories of community ingenuity, love and kindness, and the power of art and creativity.

Read the Neighbourhood Voices conversations below, and hear first-hand about people’s hopes, challenges and priorities.

Neighbourhood Voices: 6 places, 41 voices

Neighbourhood Voices: What next?

It’s not too late to join in. We’d love to see and hear more and more conversations happening after the Election. By amplifying the voices of people and communities living in deep hardship, we can help make ending poverty a priority for the next Parliament. 

Download the toolkit below:

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

In Wythenshawe, people tell of the harm of austerity, and hopes for a better future

“We need funding back. We need Government to pay attention to what we are saying…. Poverty is a killer. We need austerity to end.”

Cat lives in Wythenshawe, south Manchester, and was taking part in the Neighbourhood Voices conversation at the Dandelion Community, a radical inclusive church and community base, very close to Manchester Airport.

Issues raised include housing, poverty, mental health support, opportunities for young people, and the engagement levels of politicians.

Funding and opportunities have been taken away

Cat helps out here and is clear what she wants from the next Government.

“They talk about a cost of living crisis, but it’s class warfare. Our working class lives are disproportionately affected, and we are a largely working class area. We don’t get political support – the only help we have had recently was from Marcus Rashford on free school meals, and he’s not an MP.

“If I was an MP, I would tax the rich more. I would make sure tax is a lot fairer. Our treasury is missing out on a lot by allowing tax breaks and loopholes. Addressing that alone would provide so much more funding for things. We need to get the NHS funded again, and social programmes. We need to care about our smaller communities.

Cat standing in front of a We Love Wythenshawe poster

“Wythenshawe gets a bad rep from people who do not know it, but there’s community here. We care about each other. We might never have met but we care about what happens to each other.

“London gets a lot more than the rest of the country. Our politics is very London-centric. The EU used to bolster our funding but that has been taken away now. 

“We need things here for the kids to do. There’s no upward mobility for the children. They come out of school and are stuck doing low-paid working class jobs, unless they can play football or act. Children need to be able to have dreams that are achievable, but the idea of upward mobility has been taken away from us. I was doing a Masters in English contemporary literature and film, then during the pandemic my mental health suffered and there was no support or aftercare.

“It all comes down to funding. Austerity has not done anything, except make people poorer, poorlier and unhappier.”

Zoe and Eloise at Neighbourhood Voices, at Dandelion in Wythenshawe
Zoe (left) and her daughter Eloise at the Dandelion Community

Hard-to-reach politicians, and a mental health crisis

Zoe, another of the volunteers, says: 

“I feel the community I am in needs more of a relationship with the Government. People don’t feel they and the Government are on the same page, and feel that politicians are unreachable. We do anti-poverty events and they need to engage.

“Working in a food bank, we get to learn people’s needs, which is often housing. We get a lot of people from a hostel and from social housing, and problems spill out to us because people are not getting everything they need.

“There’s also a mental health crisis. So many young people are not getting the medication or therapy they need. Mental health is breaking down. 

“It feels like little people like us are being squeezed and squeezed and squeezed ’til there’s nothing left. I didn’t used to know what gentrification was, but I’m learning – it feels like we are being pushed out of our community so upper classes can come in. If they’re building nice houses, why can’t we have nice houses too? They’re talking about things like 10% of housing being affordable housing – on a council estate! It makes no sense! 

"People need somewhere to call home"

“My daughter starts university in September and she has to live with me because she cannot find anywhere affordable to stay, and she will probably still live with me after university. She’s thinking of moving abroad after, and it’s awful that our children are thinking they can’t afford to live in their country.

“Some people will say immigration is the issue, but that has nothing to do with it. It’s because they’re not building enough houses. There should be somewhere for people to live. People need somewhere to call home. 

“I’m from Wythenshawe and the best thing is the people. People here will help you no matter what. It’s like: if you have nothing, you can share your nothing with someone. It doesn’t matter who you are, we are just all neighbours, and in the majority everyone is wonderful.

“My hopes for Wythenshawe in five years? I would like people to have the right places to live, accessible places, and for people to be getting the right amount of benefits for their needs. I would stop sanctions. I have been sanctioned before for being in hospital so missing an appointment.

“I want people to be able to live and get jobs. When I was 16 I could walk into a job, but kids now can’t, there need to be more jobs.”

A signpost in Wythensawe, including directions to the airport, station, job centre, bus station, market and health centre

Views of a first-time voter

Zoe’s daughter Eloise, who will be voting in her first General Election, says:

“We need more social housing, definitely, and there are no jobs here. I have looked and looked and looked. Benefits are not keeping up with inflation, and a lot of places are really really suffering with that. I’m studying at the moment, I’m going into biomedical engineering, and want to move to the Netherlands after that, or go to Gaza.

“Wythenshawe needs funding for parks, churches, food banks. I don’t feel there’s enough funding there, or in schools. There’s very little funding. Wythenshawe has a strong sense of community, however it’s not always safe, due to teenagers having nothing to do and schools being underfunded. It’s like a lot of council estates – not enough opportunities.” 

The rise of food banks

Another volunteer said: “We all get on with each other. We’re all friendly. People from Manchester are all friendly compared to some places. But Manchester doesn’t get as much of anything as places like London do.

“We didn’t used to have food banks, but now we do. Since 2010, things have got worse, but now no matter who gets in, to fund anything they’ll have to take money off something else.” A

Moving here was the best thing we did

Three volunteers sitting for a posed photograph, inside the church hall

Local resident Elizabeth is concerned about the state of the pavements locally, and also about the uncertainty around benefits.

She says: “I’m in a scooter and for me the paths are a big problem. The holes and the state of the paths is awful for wheelchairs and scooters. In my wheelchair, it’s a nightmare. We also need more variety of shops in the town. It’s an alright place to live but there is not enough choice. Whatever Asda sells, that’s what you have to put up with. 

“I will definitely vote, but nobody yet has really mentioned benefits and what they will do for people on benefits, or with disabilities. They need to tell us what they’re actually going to do, what will happen?

“The best thing about Wythenshawe is the people, the community. There is a lot going on in here. I have been coming to this church for 25 years. A lot has got better, it’s much more of a community. We used to live in Altrincham but there was nothing to do there. Moving here was the best thing we did.

“My hope for Wythenshawe is that we get more money, so people do not have to use food banks.”

Read more Neighbourhood Voices stories and insights here, including from Sheffield, Stoke, Epsom and Halifax...​

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

Partner focus: Meet Community One Stop in Edinburgh

Thank you Pat! 40 years of compassionate action

Halifax voices: on housing, hope and scandalous costs

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Artists perform for change in Manchester

Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield: annual report 2023-24

SPARK newsletter summer 2024

Church on the Margins reports

Church Action on Poverty North East annual report 2022-24

Stories that challenge: Sarah and Rosie’s health

Dreams & Realities: welcome to an incredible exhibition

Building hopes and dreams in Bootle

This outrageous, counter-productive Budget marginalises people with least

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

The Neighbourhood Voices conversation in London looks at election messaging, hopes and some of the issues not being discussed.

  • What stories are the political parties telling in this General Election campaign
  • What are the stories low-income citizens have to tell, or would like to hear?
  • What issues are being sidelined or ignored as the UK prepares to head to the polls?

Those are some of the questions we discussed in the fifth Neighbourhood Voices conversation, with ATD Fourth World in London.

A "Let's End Poverty" banner on Camden Town Methodist Church

Poems and politics

The conversation took place at Camden Town Methodist Church, alongside photos and poetry from ATD members’ exhibition, The Power of Creativity, as well as Stephen Martin’s touring Dreams & Realities exhibition.

Andy, who was leading the session, began by asking people what one issue they cared most about in relation to the imminent General Election. 

Answers included: 

  • The need for fairer benefits assessments
  • Housing
  • Homelessness
  • Health services
  • Poverty and inequality
  • Brexit
  • The right to family life
  • Partnering with groups with lived experience of poverty
Six people sitting on chairs in a semi-circle, in a church hall

Election stories and messages

The group then watched election videos produced by five of the political parties, and discussed the feelings that the videos prompted. Answers were diverse:  sceptical; overwhelmed; selective.

People noticed what was omitted from the films, and observe that some focused only on the past (distant or recent) rather than the future. There were areas of agreement, around peace, transformation, and some issues that people agreed mattered: housing, health, living costs, for instance – and several people felt they did know more now about the election than before.

The consequences of voting can be very big

Andy said: “We voters have to live with the fact that our priorities will not always be the priority for the parties…. We have talked for six months about the election and politics. We’ve talked about people saying all politicians are the same; we’ve talked about the idea that nothing changes. But look at what policies comes after each election, and what has happened. The consequences of voting or not voting can be very big.”

Unheard issues

Several ATD participants then read notes they had written about issues they cared passionately about, and which they felt were not being adequately addressed at national level. 

Patricia spoke about having contributed to a report in the Amnesty magazine, about poverty as a human rights issue, and also about forced adoptions and shortcomings in some social services systems. 

She said she had been working to get rid of poverty and discrimination for over 20 years, and said many ATD activists’ involvement had begun as a result of social services policies and practices. 

“The way parents in poverty are treated is way out of proportion. You often get judged by social workers instead of supported to have what you need to raise your children decently. When you are scrimping on the basics, you don’t have the money to cover up the cracks.”

Amanda spoke about the systems that are meant to enable birth parents to write to adopted children, but which often fail.

Angela spoke about domestic violence, and the particular pressures on victims in poverty. She said: “When you live in poverty, you’re especially vulnerable when in situations of domestic violence. It’s harder to leave without the certainty of safe housing; there is a higher risk of homelessness or isolation… In poverty, you also find less support to deal with it.”

Lareine read a message on behalf of another ATD member, Ruth, who talked about the barriers to people in poverty who want to pursue art, and about the importance of authentic art from people in poverty being seen and heard.

Ruth had said: “When you live in poverty, you don’t have time for anything. You are constantly worrying about money, about getting a job, about going to have appointments. It is a constant fight…. When you live in poverty, you always feel judged.”

Sue read on behalf of Jade, who talked about her art and about the judgmental attitudes she had faced from social services workers, because she is autistic.

Read more Neighbourhood Voices stories and insights here, including from Sheffield, Stoke, Epsom and Halifax...

Let's End Poverty logo: text in black, with a pink triangle logo
Make your voice heard - take action at the Let's End Poverty website

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

Partner focus: Meet Community One Stop in Edinburgh

Thank you Pat! 40 years of compassionate action

Halifax voices: on housing, hope and scandalous costs

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Artists perform for change in Manchester

Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield: annual report 2023-24

SPARK newsletter summer 2024

Church on the Margins reports

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

The United Reformed Church’s North West Synod is adopting a new anti-poverty strategy inspired by our Church at the Margins programme – and urging the wider church to do likewise. The Synod’s Transformation Director Mike Hart explains.

“What does a Church with People at the Margins look like?” is a question that the North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church has wrestled with as we sought to respond to the growing issues of economic deprivation and marginalisation in many communities local to our churches.

From the statistics produced by the Church Urban Fund, we were able to think about the depth, extent, and the variety of the roots of poverty in North West England. Over a third of our churches serve in communities ranked in the 10% most deprived in England. They range from rural Cumbria to housing estates in South Manchester, from the Irish Sea coast to the mill towns of Lancashire, and remain a presence in many of our town and city centres.

We drew inspiration from the biblical calls of the prophets for peace and justice, and were reminded that all people are created in the image of God. The Gospel stories taught us again of the way in which Jesus actively sought out those who were marginalised by the society of his time. We took direction from the Marks of Mission’s call to service through tending those in need and to transform unjust structures.

Finally, the work of Church Action on Poverty enabled us to reflect on the value of providing dignity, agency, and power to all people in creating an inclusive community, and the importance of making space to listen to people who are too often excluded from society. The word with in the strategy is deliberate, and a reminder that too often as churches we have offered support for or to people and communities, without understanding their hopes and aspirations and standing with them.

A real difference will only happen through the ways in which local churches engage with their communities, and so key to the strategy is a set of behaviours which we want to encourage churches to adopt. Behaviours which are about their generosity of spirit and resources, their inclusivity of all people in their community, and their willingness to go beyond compassion to seek structural change. Behaviours that are important in all aspects of our mission and ministry.

As a Synod we have committed to supporting and enabling churches to respond, and to prioritise the use of our resources for this work, particularly where it is rooted in the most economically disadvantaged communities in our region. Being church in marginalised communities is not easy, and we will achieve more if we can work collaboratively with others, both faith and secular, who share our objectives.

In a mixture of generosity and challenge, we offer the work we have done to create this strategy to churches and faith organisations beyond our Synod. Our challenge is about how they prioritise and respond in the communities they serve. Our invitation is for them to journey with us, to learn from each other in mission and ministry about how we can all be better at being Church with People at the Margins.

The North West Synod adopted the ‘A Church with People at the Margins’ strategy in March 2024. They are offering the strategy to the wider United Reformed Church through a resolution at General Assembly in early July.

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

This Neighbourhood Voices conversation comes from Epsom, just on the Surrey side of the Surrey-London boundary

The group consists of just a small group of four: Jane and Ashley from the team at Epsom Pantry, and two of the members, Maureen and Arnold.

Epsom Pantry is run by Good Company, a local charity working to lead the community towards a poverty-free future, while supporting local people. It has been involved in numerous area of work, including running a Poverty Truth Commission.

The discussion at the Pantry touched on the positive aspects of living in Epsom, some of its challenges, and people’s hopes for the future.

Four people sitting at a table inside Epsom Pantry

What do you cherish or like about Epsom?

Arnold: “It’s quite a safe area, quite a nice area. It’s a nice little town. We’ve been here eight years, and it’s not changed much in that time.”

Maureen: “We go to Lidl for our shopping, and come here as well.”  

Arnold: “Epsom is famous for the races, it’s the home of the Derby and there’s a lot of racing throughout the year. Hospitality businesses look forward to the races.”

A street signpost reading: Borough of Epsom and Ewell, Home Of The Derby

What are some of the challenges?

Jane: “When I first came here, in the 90s, it was more of a Surrey market town, but now I feel it’s more of a suburb of London. It’s been named in the papers as one of the places people move to, from London. If they’ve had a flat in London, they can buy a house here. There’s a lot of young families here now, which is nice. 

“There’s quite a disparity that you would not expect in Surrey. In London, you know it’s divided, some with lots of money and some with less. It’s just as bad here. There’s a lot of people with a lot of money, and some very expensive things, but some with very little.

“I think sometimes knowing where to go for help is an issue. Through Good Company, we have set up some advice hubs based in churches and we are trying to get to more people, if they need help – we have Citizens Advice here every other week, for instance, and that’s well used. People can just go into the hubs and get help.”

What issues are people concerned about in the Pantry?

Jane: “Since Covid, the issues have been pretty consistent – people are worried about energy, food, their families, worrying how they will manage if something like the car breaks down and they need to fix it. 

“The Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) are also an issue here. If people want to go into London and have older vans, that’s been a big issue, and a lot of people are quite angry. 

“At Good Company, we have had to work really hard over the last few years to get other agencies on board to get more joined-up thinking. When I first came here, it was more of a community. We have seen more houses now and it’s quite a big area, and I think a lot of people and groups are trying to bring community back. Since Covid, lots of streets now have their own WhatsApp groups as well, so that helps people keep in touch.”

A whiteboard notice publicising the Epsom Neighbourhood Voices event

Looking to the election - what issues would you like to hear candidates talking about?

Arnold: “It doesn’t matter which Government is in power – they’re not going to please everyone all the time. A lot of what they do is to protect business, that’s what runs the country, so they do what they can and hope it filters down to the little man.” 

Jane: “I would like the new Government to tackle the housing crisis. It’s been going on for years, but it’s getting to the point now where people cannot afford to live. Rents are astronomical. There’s no new social housing or affordable housing.

“Why are we normalising food banks? We are all used to them, but why? They should not be normal! People should be able to buy food.”

Arnold: “People want to buy crime down – but how? How do you bring things down? How do you stop random attacks?”

Ashley: “The issue I’m most faced with is immigration – there’s been a big change by this Government, especially with spouse visa requirements. It used to be that you needed to earn £18,600 but they’re going to make it £38,700 each. It might be realistic for some people and areas, but for a lot of areas it’s not. 

“We have a whole arm at Good Company that works with refugees, and the area of immigration is where I would most like to see a change. I’m from Austin, Texas, and I’ve been here six months, as my husband is English. 

“One of the best things here is the free medical care, when you get sick. I think it’s so lovely here, it’s such a quaint place. I got public transport then an Uber to get from Croydon to Epsom, and was just seeing how beautiful it was all the way, then seeing the clock tower. I love how walkable everything is here. Everyone is really friendly, it’s a great community. “

A street view of Epsom Pantry

What are your thoughts and hopes for the future?

Maureen: “I just want the kids not to be in difficulty or trouble. All our kids are working and grown up now – we brought them up well.” 

Arnold: “You just grow up to what the world will become. You can’t do anything about it. I think there’s discussion of a lot of issues and heated discussions.” 

Ashley: “With ULEZ expanding, it would be good to see more public transport here. Being better connected would be brilliant.”

Jane: “I would like to see it a bit greener here. Where we are, you step outside and all the pollution is there, and it’s not good for the area. I’d like better public transport links, and would like to see it a bit greener, and we don’t have many charging points for electric cars. 

“We are lucky here. It’s a nice place to live, but I think some people in the Pantry feel excluded from that, because they are not in a nice situation financially, or they’re struggling for housing.

“I think sometimes, because it’s quite a wealthy area, people can feel even more excluded than if they were living in London or somewhere else where there are lots of people struggling. When the food bank first opened, people could not believe it – a food bank in Surrey! – and more than 10 years on, it’s been normalised.”

Could you host the next Neighbourhood Voices conversation? Get the toolkit here:

Let's End Poverty logo: text in black, with a pink triangle logo
Make your voice heard - take action at the Let's End Poverty website

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

Partner focus: Meet Community One Stop in Edinburgh

Thank you Pat! 40 years of compassionate action

Halifax voices: on housing, hope and scandalous costs

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Artists perform for change in Manchester

Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield: annual report 2023-24

SPARK newsletter summer 2024

Church on the Margins reports

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Stoke on Trent hosts the third of our Let's End Poverty Neighbourhood Voices conversations.

We’re in Stoke-on-Trent, where eight local residents are discussing the city, its challenges, and their hopes.

As it happens, the conversation took place the day before the General Election date was announced, but even then it was still on people’s minds.

We’re here for the latest in the Neighbourhood Voices series: a chance for people in communities across the country to have their say on their community, its strengths and challenges, possible solutions, their hopes, and the issues they would like election candidates to prioritise.

A posed group photo for the Neighbourhood Voices event at YMCA North Staffordshire in Stoke

Stoke snapshots

People here give rapid snapshots of Stoke:

“We might be poor, but we are blinking well kind,” says Danny, chief executive of YMCA North Staffordshire. “In Covid, the papers said Stoke was one of the kindest places, with most community action. There’s still that real neighbourhood kindness here in Stoke.”

Issues raised include job opportunities (particularly for young people), wages, transport links, the city’s reputation and narrative, urban investment, and hope.

An exterior view of YMCA North Staffordshire in Stoke

Economic issues

Danny says much of the city’s historic identity came from the potteries, which once supported tens of thousands of jobs.

Danny: It’s a very working class city; there are very few middle class people. People want something to be proud of. When I was a kid, Stoke was as good as anywhere else as a city. Now, everywhere seems to have been improved, apart from us.

“I think towns and small cities in Britain have been completely ripped off. You can see huge development in the big cities, like Manchester, but Stoke has had very little. We are the proof that trickle-down economics is a load of rubbish.”

John: “Money goes out of Stoke, and so does talent. When kids do well, they leave. Most of the highly-educated and socially-mobile young people want to live in Manchester, London, Glasgow, Nottingham – they don’t stay here. And even a lot of the top earners and leaders who work in Stoke, live outside it.

“There’s really good friendship and loyalty in Stoke. But parochialism is a huge negative. There’s a culture of suppression of ambition. When kids grow up here they go away and then they are surrounded by people who expect to be successful and expect to have a good lifestyle, but a lot of people in Stoke don’t expect that. There is this poverty of aspiration we have to try to get to somehow.”

Nicky: “Stoke has a high rate of setting up businesses, but it lacks some of the professional sector to help that thrive, like accountants and legal professionals. 

Dan B, a youth ambassador at YMCA: “When we leave school, people are expected to do warehouse jobs rather than getting interested in progression. There are a lot of closed down business and shops. You get dropped into low-paid jobs.

“When I left school, I knew I wanted to be in the type of role I am now (a youth ambassador), but in 2016 there were not many opportunities like this in Stoke. Maybe in Birmingham, but not here. I got a painting and decorating job but I hated it, it wasn’t what I wanted to do. Then there was an apprenticeship here – but there still wasn’t a lot of this type of role in Stoke.”

Danny: “There is a real lack of example that things could be better. There can be a ‘this’ll do’ mentality. People know what having nothing is like, but there’s still a fear of ending up with less than nothing – that’s the poverty that rich people do not understand, when they just talk about aspiration.” 

John: “Stoke people have generally got a good solid character, and that’s why a lot of people do well. I think there’s a lot of low-level entrepreneurialism, but maybe not enough confidence. But people who break through do well, partly due to that affable personality.”

A Google Earth view of Stoke-on-Trent

What do you cherish about Stoke?

Nicky: “People are very proud of our heritage and the arts. Our assets are another positive, like our green spaces – we are a very green city. Most neighbourhoods have access to green space.

“Also, if you put community events on, they are embraced massively. Stoke has one of the highest rates for community involvement and events. If there’s a big local event, everyone is out for it. People want to do stuff, and engage and get out.”

Nnaeto, chaplain at the YMCA: “This is my fifth year in Stoke. For people who have come in from elsewhere, our lens is different. We do not know all the history, but we see the opportunities. It’s central, you can go anywhere, life is fairly cheap, houses are less expensive here.”

What are the stories of Stoke?

Nnaeto: “We talk about the danger of a single story. If people look at just one angle, they miss a lot of different sides of things.”

Nicky: “If we are constantly telling young people they live in a poor city, what is going to happen? We have gone for World Craft City status, and the judges felt it was such a special place. But interestingly, the five people who talked about how wonderful Stoke is were all people who had moved here.”

What gives you hope? What would you like to be the story of Stoke?

Nicky: “That we are a city of crafts. We are a place for creatives and entrepreneurs to be birthed, and we will nurture and look after people. 

“What are the positives of the city, and how do we create hope for the future? For me, it’s the community and the craft and the location.”

Linda: “If we teach some of the history, it would help have aspirations again. We have the potential to be a tourist destination that people visit. We have the historical things that would attract people, and a canal system.

“We are stuck in the past sometimes – but stuck in the negative past, not the positive past. It’s like Stoke has a really bad advertising team!

”There are glimmers of hope, like in Hanley, there is a new Kurdish restaurant opening there, and across the road, the old DWP office is now a shop, and next door is a Caribbean shop. There are a lot of different cultures opening on the street. People have moved here and are making the most of it.

“If you took somewhere like Burslem High Street, and 20 creatives, and covered the rent and utilities at first, that would be thriving.”

Bishop Matthew Parker: “We all need to know our story, but we need not be defined by that past. Stoke has produced a lot. It wasn’t just creating for the industrial revolution; it was creating things of beauty.”

Dan: “A lot of young people here have talent but it never gets seen or heard. There’s a lot of hidden talent and people never get the opportunity to be heard, or seen or given a chance. When I started here, I was very shy, I wouldn’t talk to anyone, or I’d go bright red. 

“When my manager told me about the youth ambassador role, I thought they were having me on! But I knew it was an opportunity to develop my skills. Young people need more of that kind of opportunity to build themselves up, to know they can go for higher roles, maybe one day the CEO role. Companies in Stoke should be giving younger staff more opportunities to go for the higher roles.”

What is making a difference, or could make a difference?

Nicky: “The city was a real target before for the BNP and some politicians and press have tried to turn the community against each other, and sow division. But embracing diversity can be a real strength for the city.

“A lot of our young people here at the YMCA were talking about poverty setting them back, and how they felt trapped – whereas some of the people who have moved here from somewhere else felt they had the power to change their futures.

“What we are trying to do as the YMCA is unlock the kindness of Stoke people who left the city and done well for themselves. We send young people to Stoke expats, such as to a farm in Canada, to learn and see opportunities.”

“Another thing that helped was EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance). That was really good for the city. Young people were getting £30 a week so could go to college, and got a free bus pass. We saw a huge increase in young people able to invest in their future.”

Becky: “Yes – EMA really helped me. I had been homeless before I came here, but then I did childcare at college and now I’m involved in activities work.”

What would you like election candidates or the next Government to prioritise here?

A Google Streetview image of Hanley Bus Station in Stoke

Becky: “Transport links for me. I used to live in Burton on Trent, and it would cost me £9,80 on the train to go visit my parents. It’s only £2 on the bus, but the buses aren’t great. I go every few weeks to see my family, but it’s hard. There should be better bus passes for young people. So transport is the big thing for me, and general opportunities.”

John: “Connectivity in the area is shocking, partly due to geography. Most cities have a donut model, with a city centre in the middle. Stoke became a city, but it’s history is as 6 or 7 industrial towns, so it’s more of a sausage shape. It’s the only polycentric city in the UK. Since austerity, bus services have got worse. There are virtually no buses after 7pm on a Sunday.”

Dan B: “We’re talking about situations that are serious. When I talk to MPs, I feel that they’re listening but not understanding the real value of young people’s opinions and what their struggles are. And there are people in older generations who would love to work but can’t. We need to hear from more young people in these situations, who understand what it’s like for young people. They need to take us seriously.”

John: “I have seen so many regeneration schemes, Government plans all relying on private sector investment. We need regional focus and regional banks that operate for the region. There’s bad politics between Stoke and Newcastle-Under-Lyme, connecting to difficulties with councils. If you had a North Staffordshire regional focus, you would then have the economic area to do more.”

Nnaeto: “I want them to tell a more hopeful story of Stoke. Hope is the one thing, the most important thing people need. It’s easier for me, because I see it with a different lens. When I sit with young people, it’s difficult for them to see that there is hope but they do not need to be pulled down by negative narratives. Spread more hope.”

Could you host a Neighbourhood Voices conversation? Find the toolkit here:

Let's End Poverty logo: text in black, with a pink triangle logo
Make your voice heard - take action at the Let's End Poverty website

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

Partner focus: Meet Community One Stop in Edinburgh

Thank you Pat! 40 years of compassionate action

Halifax voices: on housing, hope and scandalous costs

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Artists perform for change in Manchester

Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield: annual report 2023-24

SPARK newsletter summer 2024

Church on the Margins reports

Church Action on Poverty North East annual report 2022-24

Stories that challenge: Sarah and Rosie’s health

Dreams & Realities: welcome to an incredible exhibition

Building hopes and dreams in Bootle

This outrageous, counter-productive Budget marginalises people with least

A sermon for Church Action on Poverty Sunday

Stories that challenge: Emma’s road to church

Sheffield voices: We need higher incomes and more for young people

Cost of living scandal: 7 truly useful church responses

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

The Merseyside Your Local Pantry conference was a big success

Merseyside’s network of neighbourhood Pantries have now been visited 150,000 times, and can be springboards for renewed hope and strength across the region.

Dozens of Your Local Pantry coordinators, volunteers, members and supporters from across Merseyside gathered last week to celebrate their communities and share ideas, and this week they reached the 150,000 milestone.

6 people holding cut-out numbers, reading 150,000

The scale of the Merseyside Pantry reach

Merseyside has more Pantries than any other region in the UK, with 26 across Liverpool, South Sefton and St Helens. The 150,000 visits have been from 11,286 members. When members’ families are included, the Pantries have supported 27,745 people.

The regional conference was held at St Leonard’s Church in Bootle last week.

People took part in workshops, heard about national campaigns and initiatives they could join, shared practical tips for making Pantries work as well as possible, and watched this powerful film about the Pantry in Kensington Fields, about local people’s efforts to strengthen and safeguard the community.

"Hotbeds of social justice innovation"

Rich Jones, speaking at the Merseyside Your Local Pantry conference in Bootle

Rich Jones, chief executive of St Andrew’s Community Network, which supports many Pantries in the north of Liverpool, said at the conference:

“The beautiful thing about Pantries is that they have the potential to be hotbeds of social justice innovation. They are places where connection and relationship is cultivated. It’s a joy to see some of the additional initiatives that have been borne out of the Pantry experience, building communities rooted in dignity, choice, and hope.”

He added: “Poverty is mostly caused by structural and systemic issues, and at the moment it is exacerbated by rising living costs… The UK welfare system also makes it difficult for people struggling to get a decent income.”

Pulling together - and pulling apart the chains

Chris Shelley pulls apart a paper chain at the Your Local Pantry conference in Bootle, Merseyside

Chris Shelley, Your Local Pantry development worker for Merseyside, said Bootle had been poorly treated by decision-makers for many years, and was now an area with a lot of poverty, but he said:

“There are a lot of people who love this place and care about Bootle, and want to live here. If a community pulls together, it can do things, and that’s what Pantries are all about.” 

Chris had invited people arriving at the conference to write down a symptom or cause of poverty. These were formed into a paper chain, and at the end of the event Chris symbolically tore apart the chain, encouraging people to loosen poverty’s grip on people and communities.  

Thank you to everyone at Merseyside Pantries

James Henderson, national Your Local Pantry coordinator, said afterwards:

“It’s less than four and a half years since the first Pantry opened in Merseyside, and the growth and impact has been incredible. To reach nearly 30,000 people and 150,000 visits is remarkable, and I want to say a huge thank you to every member, volunteer and partner organisation who has been a part of this. 

“Merseyside’s Pantries are dynamic, welcoming, dignified places that offer choice and renew hope. 

“We know poverty in the UK is a national disgrace, and the cost of living scandal is pushing many more households into deep hardship. Whoever forms the next Government needs to make ending poverty a priority.

“At the same time, we praise and recognise the fantastic work of so many people working to reclaim dignity, choice and hope together in the meantime.”  

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

Partner focus: Meet Community One Stop in Edinburgh

Thank you Pat! 40 years of compassionate action

Halifax voices: on housing, hope and scandalous costs

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

There have been some political statements that have demonised and divided people in the past week. It’s absolutely not what the UK public needs or wants.

There is, in fact, considerable consensus around poverty and economic justice in the UK. The country wants to tackle poverty, and inevitably a shared social security system must be a key part of that. 

We know that:

  • 88% of Brits want more to be done to tackle poverty. That’s a huge majority across the public.
  • 81% of people have said the income gap was too wide, and 80% said it would be problematic if it widened further.
  • 62% of people said the Government should act to reduce that gap.
  • Only 4% of people want to see less Government support for disabled people who are unable to work.

The UK public are compassionate, and believe in justice. We believe in supporting people who have least money and least power. 

Therefore, announcements mooting harsher systems that jeopardise our shared social security and stoke discrimination need to be challenged. 

The responses below are from members of the Speaking Truth To Power programme, after a series of Government suggestions, including asking non-medical staff to decide whether people were fit to work, instead of doctors, and changing the PIP system.

You’ll notice some recurring thoughts on the Government’s statements:

  • There’s a lack of regard for lived-experience input
  • There’s a lack of regard for the causes of ill health
  • There’s a skewed use of stats
  • Some of the ideas would be a waste of resources/time
  • The approach is inhumane
Mary Passeri stands smiling in front of some of her paintings


“Many people have pointed out that an election is coming so what he [the Prime Minister] has said is just hot air, or that it’s a red herring to divert attention from the Government stance or the situation in Palestine. 

“Even if there might be some truth to these statements, the sad fact is that this rhetoric has far reaching consequence in that it adds to the unpleasant narrative that disabled people are a burden, there is an attendant rise in hate crime in such an environment. 

“Also given that Labour seem to echo much of what the Conservatives spout, I hold little hope of this issue going away.

“For many disabled people, particularly those with invisible disabilities, not having their GP be able to write a sick note will make life impossible. They need the continuity, familiarity and understanding (prior knowledge) of them as a patient… especially those who may not be able to make their needs known. 

“Travel to an assessment centre could prove to be both very difficult and expensive. I know that I need help to both plan and follow a journey, I rely heavily on taxi use. Public transport is not wheelchair or disabled friendly. There are times I just wouldn’t have the funds to pay to get to an assessment centre. For many people (myself included) undertaking this additional journey when already ill would leave them in additional pain or distress.

“Just a thought, given that the stress and worry of living in poverty causes mental health issues – can we revisit austerity policies spouted by both the Government and opposition? Can we make sure that our children go to school properly fed with nutritious food that quite literally feeds their brains?” 


“It is possible that the increase in people having to take time off to recover, physically and mentally, corresponds with the increase of pressure on the NHS and education, workplace policies, lack of appreciation of skilled work, and underpaid work, which are fundamentally at a mentally damaging level.

“Jobcentre staff are not trained in neurodiversity; they are governed by stats and figures not sustainability, not working to gain the most out of an individual, not driven by long term success.”

Jayne Gosnall


Responding to sick note changes

  • “When someone is depleted by illness or injury, they need easy access to the provider of sick note/sickness verification. Anything else can only be seen as placing undue obstacles in the individual’s path, which will harm the most depleted the most.
  • “If someone has an infectious disease, especially something eg Chickenpox, Rubella, Measles,they should be actively DIScouraged from using public transport, going to crowded spaces, due to their risks to others, and upper respiratory infections such as Influenza & COVID put certain groups at greater risk
  • “Sick notes can only be written effectively by a health professional who has access to the individual’s medical history and can therefore judge when issue X/Y/Z has a greater or lesser impact on the individual. It is preferable if that professional already has a clinical relationship with the patient. This is particularly relevant for claims such as PIP
  • “A GP may already have some understanding re: workplace stress eg due to bullying, something the individual may be unable to put on record elsewhere at that time. It can be the difference between a person dropping out of employment, or staying.
  • “We’ve seen how unfair “objective assessments” have been to those who are sick, especially those living with disabilities and/or long-term health conditions. People are marked as “able” to work, if they arrive with clean hair and clothes, or without an assistant on that day….even if their clothes were prepared for them and hair washed for them, and that rare effort to get to the centre knackers them for the whole of the next week. 

“I have always advised friends NEVER to attend alone, and say there’s no need to be dishonest but tell the assessors about your worst day not your best, because it’s your worst days when you need the support. It is society that says you scrub up for an appointment, and the same society which glorifies the rich & famous, but disables you by giving you low priority! A truly civilized society would have that the opposite way round.

Responding to proposed increased use of ‘talking therapies’ 

“My personal opinion is it’s another con, by central Government and increasingly metro Governmnent, of the third sector and the person experiencing mental health issues/distress. 

“People with funds will still buy their therapies in the private sector

“It is people like us, out here in a landscape of overstretched resources who will be kept further away from the therapy which suits us. Sure, we may gain some identification with others, which is fantastic if that’s what we need, but we will not experience a therapeutic clinical relationship, which is both enormously helpful for diagnosis, and will delve much deeper into background causes, trauma, and schemas developed in early childhood.”


“What are they going to do next? It’s another money-cutting exercise. You now can’t be ill, you can’t get to see a doctor, you are penalised at every turn with this Government. There are people who would love to work but employers won’t employ them because they would have to miss work for appointments and have time off – but they can’t say that, because they will be had for discrimination.”


“It is a shame that the NHS has been undermined so that we no longer have continuity of care under the same GP. I’ve had three appointments in recent weeks, each with a different GP. The ability of any one of these GPs to write me a sick note is limited compared to previous years when I’ve been able to see the same GP repeatedly.

“Of course, when it’s a short sick note for something easily resolved, not having continuity of care is less important. But as soon as it becomes more than a few days, it’s important to have that continuity of healthcare. And no-one wants to have to see two people whenever they’re ill; one for their health, and one for their work. Especially when it’s their health that means they can’t work.

“The current system ought to work. GPs can only sign-off for three months, and then a person goes for an assessment with a ‘health and work professional’ (WCA assessor), unless they’re rich enough to be getting sick pay from their job, in a job that accepts ongoing GP sicknotes. But somehow I don’t think it’s people in these better jobs that Sunak is worried about.

“He’s created a solution where there isn’t even a problem. It’s not even a sensible solution, given the inefficiency of forcing people to see two health professionals where one will do.”

Read more from Stef on this issue on her own blog, here.

Read more Speaking Truth To Power stories here:

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

Partner focus: Meet Community One Stop in Edinburgh

Thank you Pat! 40 years of compassionate action

Halifax voices: on housing, hope and scandalous costs

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Artists perform for change in Manchester

Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield: annual report 2023-24

SPARK newsletter summer 2024

Church on the Margins reports

Church Action on Poverty North East annual report 2022-24

Stories that challenge: Sarah and Rosie’s health

Dreams & Realities: welcome to an incredible exhibition

Building hopes and dreams in Bootle

This outrageous, counter-productive Budget marginalises people with least

A sermon for Church Action on Poverty Sunday

Stories that challenge: Emma’s road to church

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Sheffield Church Action on Poverty’s first Civic Breakfast since Covid has heard that around 120,000 people in Sheffield are living in poverty, homelessness is the worst it has ever been, and city food banks could collapse if demand continues to increase.

The Civic Breakfast provides an opportunity for organisations working to address issues caused by poverty in the city to raise and expand understanding of their work and the issues involved. It is attended by politicians, civic leaders, officials and faith leaders from Sheffield.

Guests saw a video, produced by Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield, showing the work of the Grace Food Bank in the Lowedges area of the city, before hearing from the food bank’s chair Dr Jackie Butcher and Sheffield University Professor of Social Policy Alan Walker.

Professor Walker told Civic Breakfast guests, including Sheffield City Council leader Tom Hunt and Lord Mayor Colin Ross:

“During the cost-of-living crisis, more and more families fell into deep poverty. It’s not a matter of juggling and budgeting – they simply don’t have enough money to make ends meet.”

Prof Walker said three out of four families in poverty were going without and three in five did not have enough money to buy the food they needed. There were 120,000 people, including 28,000 children, living in absolute poverty in Sheffield in 2022-23, a 6,000 increase on 2021- 22.
What’s more, 38,000 were living in destitution and 37,000 experiencing severe food insecurity – a 15,000 increase on 2021-22.

Prof Walker said there had been “an unprecedented attack” on the incomes of the poorest. These included the month delay before Universal Credit begins being paid to claimants, the freezing of payment levels, and the abolition of payments for more than two children.

To make matters worse, as poverty increased the government had simply changed the definition of poverty to disguise the rise.

“In Sheffield, 50,000 people are experiencing negative budgets, where more money is going out than coming in – and that is even if they claim all the benefits they are entitled to. A further 35,000 people are ‘running on empty’.
Government policies have a very important role to play in combating poverty. Benefit rates are too low. It’s a trap, it’s a systemic trap – and it can be changed.”

The Grace Food Bank’s Dr Butcher said demand had doubled between 2001 and 2022 and again between 2022 and 2023, and was still rising. “If demand doubles again we won’t be able to cope,” she warned. 

She derided claims that people could survive by shopping around and cooking meals themselves, pointing out that some food bank clients had, at best, just a kettle.

“People come to us because the system is broken. They can’t afford ‘stuff’, they can’t afford to make their home safe for a disabled child, they can’t afford to visit their child in hospital, they can’t afford to heat their home to deal with their COPD. We need the wholesale re-organisation of the system in this country.”

Tim Renshaw, chief executive of the Cathedral Archer Project, which provides support for the homeless in Sheffield, told guests:

“Homelessness has never been so bad. There are 865 households in temporary accommodation and 45 rough sleepers a night.”

Mr Renshaw described plans to use Public Space Protection Orders to move homeless people out of some areas as “an absolute red herring – a piece of political magical thinking.”

Sheffield City Council Labour Leader Tom Hunt praised local initiatives for trying to lift people out of poverty. He stressed the cost-of-living crisis had been going on for far longer than the recent price rises
and was the result of Government policy.

Coun Hunt said: ”Choices have been made to design a system that is broken,” adding that putting cash in the pockets of the poor was one way to start dealing with poverty.

For further information about the Civic Breakfast contact Sheffield Church Action on Poverty chair, Dr Joe Forde, on joe.forde@tiscali.co.uk or 07854 109 670.

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

Partner focus: Meet Community One Stop in Edinburgh

Thank you Pat! 40 years of compassionate action

Halifax voices: on housing, hope and scandalous costs

The UK doesn’t want demonising rhetoric – it wants to end poverty

Sheffield Civic Breakfast: leaders told about mounting pressures of poverty

Artists perform for change in Manchester

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

Artists perform for change in Manchester

The inaugural event in our Artists for Change programme took place in Manchester on 28 April 2024.

The city’s iconic Band On The Wall venue hosted an afternoon of music and storytelling about UK poverty. Performers included Lindsay Munroe, Matt Hill, Hannah Ashcroft, Duvet, and Loose Articles. We also displayed the Dreams & Realities exhibition, featuring portraits of people on the frontline of poverty.

Messages of hope for our future often ring true through music, art, poetry and theatre – and hope is needed in our communities, our towns and cities and across the country.

Artists for Change reflects the ongoing feeling across the country that what the government and opposition propose to tackle poverty simply is not good enough. If we want to see poverty in the UK ended, we need to see real, decisive action and community led change, listening to those in communities to hear what we have to say.

Artists for Change is a community of artists aware of our opportunity onstage, online and in written word to be part of a movement that challenges the status quo and believes that poverty in the UK can end.

Do you want to put on an event?

Do you want to be part of an event?

Do you want to get involved, but you’re not sure how?

If you’ve got an idea, we want to hear it!

Let's End Poverty logo: text in black, with a pink triangle logo

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues

A church with people at the margins

Weed it and reap: why so many Pantries are adding gardens

Epsom voices: It’s a lovely place – but many feel excluded

Stoke voices: We want opportunity and hope

Merseyside Pantries reach big milestone

Transforming the Jericho Road

A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues