
Scripture from the Margins

The Bible shows us again and again that God is on the side of the poor and the oppressed. People on the margins.

But too often, when we read scripture in our churches, we focus on other aspects of the story, or we are so familiar with the text that we don’t notice the challenging things it has to say to us.

Scripture from the Margins is a series of Bible studies that encourage people to focus on the voices and perspectives in scripture that we don’t usually hear in our churches.

They can be used for individual reflection, or in house groups and Bible study groups. They make great Lent programmes.

I wanted to thank you for putting together such an excellent course – accessible, opinionated, challenging, affirming and easy to lead and to build on.

So many courses are dull and simplistic – yours opened up new vistas. There was never a sense of being forced into a right answer or finding an easy solution. It was a complex course for complex times and a complex faith.

(Revd Richard Lamey, Rector of St Paul at Wokingham in the Diocese of Oxford)

We have also produced a bookmark for your Bible, with questions to help you find perspectives from the margins whenever you are reading scripture.

Click on the links to the right to download the materials.

Life-Changing Stories: Bible studies on the book of Acts. CLICK COVER TO DOWNLOAD
Untold Stories: Bible studies on the Gospel of Matthew
Dangerous Stories: Bible studies on the parables
Bible bookmark
Bible bookmark
An image of a text poster

Urgent: Ask your church to display this poster on Sunday

An aerial view of Reading, with two group photos overlaid. One shows a group of volunteers in a line; the other shows four people around a table smiling.

The town of 250,000 that revolutionised its food system

Cut-outs of Stef, Mary and Sydnie. Text above says: "Labour said they would put disabled people at the heart of everything they do. But instead they have shoved us to the very edges."

Say no to these immoral cuts, built on weasel words and spin