
Week 6: Together

Justice. Righteousness. Mercy. Good News. What would it look like if we shaped our response to poverty as a society around these principles?

What would it look like if we shaped our response to poverty as a society around these principles?

This session is a little bit different to others in our Act on Poverty series.

In these resources you will focus on developing your own Act on Poverty plan. You’ll be encouraged to plant seeds of change that together we can nurture – seeds that will grow God’s kingdom of justice and love.

Explore what you can do to take action on poverty.

On this page you will find everything you need to develop your own Act on Poverty plan, as an individual, a group or a church.

Download our ‘Together’ session pack for a Bible reading and short reflection. Then follow the instructions in the pack and use our ‘Seeds of Change’ action cards to develop your plan.

Session Six - Together

Download our course pack
Download now

Sesiwn 6 - Gyda 'n Gilydd

Lawrlwythwch ein pecyn cwrs
Lawrlwythwch nawr

Seeds of Change

Download our action planning sheets to help you act on poverty.
Download now

Audio content

If you’d like to listen again to any of the audio content from this course, you can find the full playlist below.