A six-week course to equip churches and groups to act on poverty - ideal for Lent

Our group was really inspired by the Act on Poverty course. Now we’re looking for ways to share the messages with our wider church
———— John Turner ————
Developed jointly with Christian Aid and our other partners, this course addresses poverty both globally and in the UK.
We’ve refreshed the content ready for Lent 2025.
The course will help Christians gain a deeper understanding of poverty and get equipped to talk to political representatives about it.
There’s also a short version of the course that you can run as a two-hour workshop.
The six session packs and extra resources are available below – get stuck in.
These resources are also available in Welsh. Click on the individual sessions to access them.
The sessions
Supporting resources
To help you and your church make the most of the Act on Poverty course we have a host of supporting resources.
For a guide for group leaders, ideas for an Act on Poverty service, action planning sheets and more, click on the link below.