A Church Action on Poverty hymn
Nick Jowett of our local group in Sheffield recently shared this hymn with us.
Thanks be to God whose love is sure;
his will in Jesus shall endure.
He gives us life and health and food;
no single one will he exclude.
Taxman Levi heard the appeal
and honoured Jesus with a meal.
The good, the bad, he welcomed all,
at Jesus’ word, into his hall.
Feeding a crowd with bread and fish,
Jesus showed sharing was his wish.
We imitate that act divine
and celebrate with bread and wine.
Christians at Corinth knew Christ’s will,
yet the rich people ate their fill.
They would not wait on for the poor,
and failed their Saviour’s love and law.
Cry for a land where wealth divides,
where bitter poverty abides,
where the well-off avert their eyes
and will not hear the sufferers’ cries.
People today, make Christ your guide;
stand with the poorest side by side.
Fight injustice with heart and soul,
the common good your one true goal.
Thanks be to God whose love is sure;
his will in Jesus shall endure.
He gives us life and health and food;
no single one will he exclude.
Nick Jowett
September 2013 (revised October 2016)
Tune: Duke Street (LM) (Fight the good fight)