
Gathering on the Margins, 31 March

Weekly gatherings on Zoom at 2 pm every Tuesday

As we do our best to social distance or self-isolate, it is more important than ever that we stay connected with each other. That is why every Tuesday at 2 pm we will be having a digital get-together called Gathering on the Margins.

Join us on Zoom to connect with people across the country to hear each other’s stories, discuss issues that we are facing and share advice.

Around 25 people joined us for our pilot gathering last Tuesday (31 March), and we hope that more will be able to join in as the weeks go on.

In these gatherings we will share videos and interview those on the frontlines of this crisis and working to limit the impact on people in poverty. We will have smaller ‘breakout rooms’ to give you a chance to get to know other people individually and discuss in more detail how the crisis is affecting you and your area.

Last week we heard from people up and down the country about what is going on in their local areas. Penny updated us on the situation in Byker in Newcastle and also shared the recipes for what she had been baking to help provide for her neighbours while in isolation.

We also heard from Sydnie, of the York Food Justice Alliance, about the need to connect different local groups and networks to ensure that everyone in the community is provided for.

As well as hearing about what was happening in local areas, Anna Taylor told us about The Food Foundation’s research into levels of household food insecurity on a national level. You can see the data from that research here. She discussed the way this crisis is affecting at-risk and vulnerable people’s ability to access food, but also the need for the government to go beyond just thinking about those who are medically vulnerable and consider those who are economically vulnerable as well when it comes to emergency food provision.

Tomorrow we will be hearing from Kay Johnson at the Larder Lancashire in Preston about their holiday hunger scheme providing free online cooking lessons and ingredient packs for families.

Our Digital Poet in Residence, Matt Sowerby, will also be joining us. His poetry is really amazing and well worth listening to. You can hear his poem Breadlines here:

To join the Gathering just click the link below at 2 pm on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing lots of you then.

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A collage of photos of people or groups, with two logos: Let's End Poverty and Neighbourhood Voices

6 places, 41 people: Some of the UK’s unheard election voices

Wythenshawe voices: It’s wonderful – but austerity NEEDS to end

London voices: poetry, photos and unheard issues