The Church must keep faith with low-income communities
Church Action on Poverty works to build a powerful movement within the churches based on genuine solidarity with people struggling to make ends meet. But beyond this, what would it truly mean for the church to become, in the words of Pope Francis, “a poor Church, for the poor”?
Since 2020 we have been researching how the UK’s denominations allocate their resources, and listening to people and churches in communities on the margins.
Churches, at their best, are thriving hubs at the heart of their communities – open and inclusive to all believers and everyone else. Churches at their best connect with and support the local area through local collaborations, shared spaces and resources, and genuine community.
But we found that low-income communities are being disproportionately affected by church closures, and this has ramifications for Christians and entire neighbourhoods. But if national church leaders reinvest instead of retreating, then churches can help whole communities to thrive and build better futures.
Click on the link on the right to read the full reports on this work. And watch this space to see how you can help call on the Churches to make marginalised communities their priority.
Or click on the links below for resources that will help you explore the ideas in your own church.
The header image was created by Beth Waters for the ESRC-funded ‘Life on the Breadline’ research project based at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, and is used with the permission of the project team.