Church Action on Poverty in Sheffield held their 10th annual Pilgrimage event on 20 October 2018, visiting the Wybourn area and The Manor estate. Sara Millard reports on the day.
Read more “One step at a time”
Our Director Niall Cooper recently shared this sermon on a visit to a church in Birmingham. We invite you to draw from it if you are preaching on Church Action on Poverty Sunday, 3 March 2019.
Read more “Different light: a sermon for Church Action on Poverty Sunday”
How has austerity affected Christian engagement with poverty? Church Action on Poverty is partnering in a major new research project to explore this question. Research Associate Dr Stephanie Denning introduces the project.
Read more “Life on the Breadline”
In this guest blog, Neil Carpenter talks about his new book Austerity’s Victims.
Read more “Living with a learning disability now”
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty is currently touring the UK. Church Action on Poverty arranged for him to visit Cedarwood, a project we’ve been working with on the Meadow Well estate in Newcastle. Our Communications Manager Liam Purcell was there to listen as local people told their stories to the Rapporteur.
Read more “Bearing witness to the value of people’s lives”
Read the text of the press release we have sent out ahead of the hand-in of the End Hunger national petition calling on the UK government to Fix Universal Credit, at 10 Downing Street on Wednesday.
Read more “Universal Credit claimants take national petition to Downing Street, as thousands more go hungry”

Read about how we loosened the grip of UK poverty in 2017-18.