
Food-Power-logoThrough our Food Power programme, we have been helping young people in Lancashire to speak out about their experiences of going hungry. They are now about to launch their own campaign: #DarwengetsHangry!
Read more “Darwen gets hangry”

UN_logoThe United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights is visiting the UK in November 2018. Church Action on Poverty is doing what we can to ensure that during his visit, he hears the stories of the real experts – people with lived experience of poverty.
Read more “Extreme poverty and human rights”

Church Action on Poverty's 2018 research into cuts to Local Welfare Assistance Schemes in England.

Lifelines in a crisis: what can cities do?

An image of a text poster

Urgent: Ask your church to display this poster on Sunday

An aerial view of Reading, with two group photos overlaid. One shows a group of volunteers in a line; the other shows four people around a table smiling.

The town of 250,000 that revolutionised its food system

Cut-outs of Stef, Mary and Sydnie. Text above says: "Labour said they would put disabled people at the heart of everything they do. But instead they have shoved us to the very edges."

Say no to these immoral cuts, built on weasel words and spin

The Bible shows us again and again that God is on the side of the poor and the oppressed. People on the margins.

Lost things

But too often, when we read scripture in our churches, we focus on other aspects of the story, or we are so familiar with the text that we don’t notice the challenging things it has to say to us.

Jesus’ parables are one of the best examples of this problem. When we read and think about the parables, we almost always look for allegorical, spiritual meanings.

But the parables are actually very earthly stories – and if we try to put ourselves in the place of their original audience, we discover very different messages in them.


These five Bible studies will challenge you to get alongside the people who are on the margins of our own society – and to speak out for justice.  They will show you how the parables are subversive, dangerous stories.

An image of a text poster

Urgent: Ask your church to display this poster on Sunday

SPARK newsletter, winter 2024-25

Annual review 2023-24