
Voices from the Margins logo no strapline.jpgAt our annual conference in Sheffield on 18 November, churches and projects shared stories of how they are listening to voices from the margins of society – and we talked about how we can truly become a ‘church of the poor’. This week we’re sharing some of the stories we heard. Today: reflections from some of the participants and speakers.
Read more “Voices from the Margins conference reports: views from attendees”

Voices from the Margins logo no strapline.jpgAt our annual conference in Sheffield on 18 November, churches and projects shared stories of how they are listening to voices from the margins of society – and we talked about how we can truly become a ‘church of the poor’. This week we’re sharing some of the stories we heard. Today: Timebuilders.
Read more “Voices from the Margins conference reports: Timebuilders”

Voices from the Margins logo no strapline.jpgAt our annual conference in Sheffield on 18 November, churches and projects shared stories of how they are listening to voices from the margins of society – and we talked about how we can truly become a ‘church of the poor’. This week we’re sharing some of the stories we heard. Today: the Sheffield Pilgrimage.
Read more “Voices from the Margins conference reports: Sheffield Pilgrimage”

Stories from the Edge Image 1 OriginalFaith communities in post-industrial towns across Scotland are delivering social action to tackle the effects of poverty. On 12 October 2017, in partnership with Action of Churches Together in Scotland and the Conforti Institute, we hosted a gathering of faith-inspired social activists from Scotland’s post-industrial towns alongside leaders from church and civic society, to explore, reflect and share experiences.
Read more in our Stories from the Edge report.
Read more “Stories from the Edge”

Stories of churches building a Good Society in Scotland's post-industrial towns

An image of a text poster

Urgent: Ask your church to display this poster on Sunday

SPARK newsletter, winter 2024-25

Annual review 2023-24