

Watch this powerful short film online.

Creatively amplifying the voices of our young people, telling their truth and stories in their language…

In the Edgelands, a land of forgotten estates, the film demonstrates the grim reality of issues surrounding food poverty, homelessness, and welfare. Edgelands contextualises these topics and uses them as a backdrop to put forward a message of resilience as one of the many creative ways the #DarwengetsHangry campaign is working to loosen the grip of poverty. 

It was made by the young people involved in the ‘Darwen Gets Hangry’ campaign, who have had Church Action on Poverty’s support for a couple of years now.  We were pleased to be able to provide a small grant through our ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ programme, which helped them to work with a young local film-maker and produce this powerful piece.

Please note that the film includes strong language from the start, and addresses issues including drug use and sexual exploitation.

Please share the film online, and help us make sure many people see it.

We’ve produced a set of cards you can use to prompt discussion of the issues raised by Edgelands. Click the link below to download a set of cards – or email us if you’d like to order a printed set.

Urgent: Ask your church to display this poster on Sunday

The town of 250,000 that revolutionised its food system

Say no to these immoral cuts, built on weasel words and spin

Dreams and Realities in our context

How we can radically boost recruitment of working class clergy

An image of a text poster

Urgent: Ask your church to display this poster on Sunday

An aerial view of Reading, with two group photos overlaid. One shows a group of volunteers in a line; the other shows four people around a table smiling.

The town of 250,000 that revolutionised its food system

Cut-outs of Stef, Mary and Sydnie. Text above says: "Labour said they would put disabled people at the heart of everything they do. But instead they have shoved us to the very edges."

Say no to these immoral cuts, built on weasel words and spin